That's giving him a lot of credit. He's the bosses kid that got made through nepotism at the very most
Well, he has the mafia boss Putin as a leading example, he looks up to
So obviously, that's the way he wants to go.
And as he doesn't understand diplomacy, soft power or just geopolitics as a whole, he only knows the club/hammer to "solve" things
I still find it so unbelievable ironic, that the USA is now arguing against globalism, when they were fighting since decades to bring every fucking country into the capitalistic world trade system.
And now Trump decides to play the victim card...
That's just...I don't even have the words...
“I’ll stop breaking your bones, you just have to marry me. It’s your fault, only you can stop this.”
Nothing bad ever happens to mob bosses, right?
Isn't it usually inner gang warfare that takes them down or have I seen too many movies?
Everyone knows he's been a mob dude and affiliated with the Russian mob for decades. Just look at his businesses, they're picture perfect for being mob leader:
- casinos
- real estate and development
- crypto
- educational scams
- clothing
- religion (bibles) and scams people into thinking he's a god
Interesting, seeing as how he mostly acts like a big fucking baby.
From an entertainment perspective, organized crime could be just the kind of rework the Boss Baby franchise has been needing.
He sees what Putin has in Russia and he wants that for himself here.