for the people who don't spend their time thinking about politics or economics, the question doesn't even begin to occur to them because they don't have any conception of what "capitalism" is, at least in relation to their current conditions. they cannot see it any more than we can see air or a fish can see water. they are so surrounded by ideology that they aren't even aware that they have an ideology, like how a person with an accent doesn't know they have an accent unless they talk to somebody with a different accent (or are told about it). at best, they might hear that carbon taxes are a thing and are like, yeah, we should do that maybe.
for the people who do spend their time thinking about politics or economics and still like capitalism despite its climatic impact, their connection to these political views are purely vibes based and not informed by any intimate connection to their conditions or the conditions of others, because the average person is so far removed from any kind of political process or having a say in anything that everything is completely unchangeable. There Is No Alternative. they saw a facebook/twitter/discord meme and go along with that due to social pressures, or maybe somebody at their workplace is a conservative or a libertarian or a centrist or even a socialist and they discuss current events and the ideology rubs off on them and they "become" those things without even really knowing what those things are, or the political histories of those movements, or even the names of the titans of those movements. and thus, if you have decided that you are a libertarian because of all these small little things that are, again, completely independent of your material conditions much of the time, then you "join the team" so to speak and get to know the boilerplate arguments and, for lack of a better word, memes, and finding that community slightly alleviates the crippling social atomization you feel at every moment because your job sucks or is unfulfilling, you live in a sprawling suburb where the same house has been copy-pasted a thousand times or a giant apartment complex, and never talk to your neighbours.
at no point are a solid 90-95% of self-described capitalism supporters intimately engaged to the ideas and philosophies that they say they support. few of them are actually going and doing the reading. at most they might listen to a podcast or youtube channel called something like "The Epic Logician" or "The Woke Destroyer" or "Communism Kills, Capitalism Uplifts" or something. it's vibes based. it's a bubble of idealism that is being supported by the 7 or so billion people outside of the imperial core who actually have to live in material reality. it will come crashing down around these people probably within their lifetimes for the ones under 40 as the empire declines, and that'll be the really interesting part - of how 300 million people or so suddenly have to come to terms with material reality rather than imagined fights or "meme wars" online between different political factions.
the final class of people are the ones who prefer capitalism despite its environmental impact and have done a lot of reading, and the vast majority of these people are, simply put, sickos who should be [insert fedposting here]