A QR code created from the actual fault text would be super helpful. That way we can scan it and get the full error message (details and all) on another device without having to snap a picture or something. But not like windows does it, where it's a link to a defunct page. I'm taking about the actual text transcoded into a QR code.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 53 points 2 weeks ago

Stop threatening, and just cancel already.

What happened to the vigor of society's cancel culture? Why are we not canceling corporate abuse like this? Or Microsoft's? Or Google's? Or Amazon's? Did we forget about cancel culture? Or are we just fine with being pawns in their dystopian capitalist games? Cancel culture had the potential to make real change, and we allowed corporations to cancel cancel culture for their capital gains.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 54 points 1 month ago

That's not true. Try also destroyed really good things, like the internet as a whole.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 61 points 4 months ago

You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then STEAL IT AGAIN!

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 76 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's almost like privatizing public services is, somehow, a bad idea. But, but, but... capitalism....

E: jokes aside. The findings in these studies, while obvious to some (possibly most) people, are extremely important. Feelings without supporting data, are just opinions. Feeling with supporting data, are facts. Because of this study, we now have facts to fight against further privatization of public services.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 122 points 8 months ago

It's almost like making it nearly impossible to watch what we want and, at the same time, octupling our bills, while also increasing the cost of each would, somehow, force people into the desperation of piracy. Huh. Who woulda thunk it.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 56 points 9 months ago

"I’m hoping you’re going to put a line in your story about how cost-efficient I am,” he continued. “This is below minimum wage. No bathroom breaks, no meal breaks. This is a good investment, so please make sure that’s added to the story, okay?” [the mayor said]

The mayor was enthusiastic about the cost-effectiveness of the robot. “I want you guys to be extremely creative in your writing style to say ‘Eric, job well done,’” he told reporters.

This guy is special, isn't he...

The whole article basically lights it as a waste of money, since "[the police robot's] effectiveness is unclear", how there's "no public evidence about actual crime reduction", and how the "robot [needs] to be accompanied by a human officer at all times", negating the need for the robot altogether.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 69 points 9 months ago

That's literally everything. Every. Single. Thing. What an idiot.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 60 points 9 months ago

Stamp, not a watermark, but yes. There was a post a while back, asking Lemmy OC to have that or something similar. I figured, why not.


I have these wire shelves that are held together with these plastic caps. I'm reconfiguring the layout and ran out of caps. It's been a decade+/- since we got these, and I can't remember the name. Does anyone know where I can get more of these caps? Or, at least, what these caps and/or shelves are called, so I can go hunting for them?

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 90 points 10 months ago

Google takes away our ability to block ads. Elon takes away our ability to block content. HP takes away our ability to print with ink we purchased, unless we also pay a subscription. Adobe takes away our ability to own software. Interesting world....


I roasted a Sidamo G1 to right after first crack. I pulled one shot today, and it's amazing!

Pay with Palm (infosec.pub)

I can only see this going into a very dystopian path. Based on their actions, I don't trust these companies, their security practices, nor their privacy policies. Why would I give them my biometrics? And my full palm, at that!? Hell no!


Hopefully you're having a better morning than putting friggin coffee beans in the friggin water reservoir.

That is all.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub to c/espresso@infosec.pub

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2468271

Original post was titled "Coffee machines reliability chart", but the image says that they're in the "espresso machine category".

The biggest swiss online seller makes charts for warranty claims. Basically: how many warranty claims does each brand have? This chart only shows the most popular brands of coffee machines sold on the site, but I still find it interesting.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 100 points 11 months ago

From the article:

"We work hard to build great products, and what consumers do with those tools is up to them — not Apple, and not broadband providers," Cynthia Hogan, VP of public policy at Apple

Prove it, then. Unlock the bootloader. Allow us to install our own apps. Let us install our own OS on the hardware. I get they don't want to open source their iOS, that's fine. They say "what consumers do with those tools is up to them", but then they lock those tools down TIGHT. Actions speak much louder than words. They say those tools are ours? They need to show us that this is true.


Went to a wedding and they had a poet dressed like a fox. You give him a word and he types out a poem on an old-timey typewriter. Of course, I chose 'espresso'.

I asked him why a fox. So, he's a professional poet. One of his friends gave him a fox costume as a joke. He wore it to his friend's kid's birthday party (IIRC), and loved it. He started doing that as a side hustle (wearing the costume at parties, writing poems), and later, started doing it full time. He says that it's fun for everyone involved, and allows him to get creative with very little in terms of overextended expectations. REALLY nice guy!

Here he is:


Hey everyone!

We had a bit of a trolling incident yesterday, and I wanted to address it real quick.

We are a kind and accepting community for those who love, want to love, are getting into, or are interested in espresso. We have no room for trolls or unkind behavior.

Because of the user who reported this incident (thank you!!), the offender has been banned from this wonderful community and, thanks to Jerry, the Instance owner (don't forget to support him), banned from this Instance altogether.

I thought the Instance and Community expectations were understood, considering the ambiance of Lemmy, but I was wrong. As a result, I have added a Rules section in the Sidebar. If you haven't already, please take a look, and let me know if those rules should change in any way.

Together, we can rid this world of trolls and goblins, as we hunt for that Perfect Pull.

Stay caffeinated, my fellow Espressons!


This little sack thing was on the tomato plant today. When it was touched, these little worm-looking things popped out, like a spider sack of worms.

  • What are they?
  • Why are they on the plant?
  • Are they harmful to the plant or to us?



In reading the rules and pinned posts, it doesn't seem to me that my question is out of line with the intention of the community. However, if I am mistaken, please remove the post and accept my sincere apologies.

So, I've been getting a lot of 429 errors as of late. Today, I came across this post by one of the Teddit instance admins. The reason for the 429, is the same API restrictions that killed the apps. Teddit is dying.

I still use Reddit for searches, unfortunately, considering much of the world's IT knowledgebase is on there. Since before the Reddit spez-out, I was using Teddit on PC or Slide/Infinity on mobile. Now that Teddit is being so severely limited by the API debacle that it has instances shutting down, I find myself asking: what Reddit front-ends still work?

Regrettably, I can't not use Reddit for work, though I don't participate or even log in, but I REALLY don't want to give Reddit the traffic.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub to c/cybersecurity@sh.itjust.works

I hope I can ask for advice here. I didn't see anything against this in the rules, but also don't want to harsh the vibe. If it's not ok, please delete my most.

TL;DR - I need to share a network printer with the greater network, while also making it available to non-networked Windows XP and Vista computers. I am seeking advice on how to do this without connecting the out-of-compliance computers to the network (or to each other).

I can't believe I have to consider this problem, but here I am. We have a bunch of equipment ranging from about $20k to over $250k each, with computers running Windows Vista and Windows XP. We can't replace the computers, because both the software and device drivers are proprietary and we can't get the updated versions without purchasing new devices. The department must be able to print from these computers.

So far, I've implemented a "floating USB" methodology, where the printer is connected through one USB cable that the tech moves from computer to computer, as s/he needs to print. They only ever use one, MAYBE two, at a time, so the floating USB isn't as inconvenient as it sounds. The subscription on the printer that's in there now, ends soon and corporate is unwilling/unable to renew at this time. The only other printer the department has, is across the hall.

I proposed to move that printer to the other office, connect it to the network to allow them continued ability to print from their laptops, while continuing the floating USB for the WinXP and WinVista machines. They declined, as they use that printer quite often, and don't want to have to run across the hall during high-stress tasks.

I thought about running USB the distance, but it's capped at about 5 meters / 16 feet.

My latest proposals include an active USB extension cable or USB-over-Ethernet and running USB cabling in the rafters, which will allow for the floating USB method as well as keep the printer networked. My goal is to keep these XP and Vista computers disconnected from the network. I know connecting them to a networked printer isn't great, but it's better than connecting them directly to the greater network.

Another idea I had was to create a physically segregated network for these computers only, disconnected from the greater network, with the printer connected to this network's firewall via USB and shared as a Networked printer inside this internal network. The printer will also be connected to the greater network via Ethernet, and used there. The issue I have with this, is that it keeps the XP/Vista computers connected to each other and to the printer, which still holds the risk of infection spreading among them.

I'm anticipating the (worst case) push to connect them to the internal network and "just put them behind the firewall," which, as you all know, is a very bad idea. Therefore, I'm trying to amass as many viable ideas as I can, in the hope that one of them will prevent the worst case.

Does anyone have any other ideas for sharing this printer with networked and non-networked computers?


I though it could be fun to list our least favorite roasts from the past week, maybe with a description on why you disliked it. This way we could round out the "what are you brewing" posts with a sort of "I won't be brewing that again" type of end cap.

Personally, I find it fun sometimes to try the black sheep. After all, my least favorite could be your favorite.

Feel free to downvote the post if you don't think this would benefit the community. If we get to an overall point value in the negatives, I will unpin the post and we can move forward with it in the rearview.

[-] 01189998819991197253@infosec.pub 57 points 11 months ago

"private chat history" on Facebook...


What are you brewing this weekend?

Post pictures, names, descriptions, recommendations, whatever you want to share that you think will help others.

May your brew be satisfying and your weekend restful.

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joined 1 year ago