I have to ask, why do people simp for putin? not russia, but putin?
Yeah, it was really stupid of me, i partially started smoking because i liked a girl and she smoked so i could hang out with her....i smoked till i was 24 then started using e-cigarettes. i will admit i have had the odd cigarette once in a few months from a neighbour. I know everyone has vices, and mine is nicotine, as i don't drink alcohol, and ive abstained from using cannabis for over 5 years now.
There's also weight restrictions for our airspace in tornto becuase CYYZ is a bravo class airspace.
is this supposed to be some kink or somthing? like playing out voyeurism?
§ 608-19. Model aircraft and rockets.While in a park, no person shall operate powered models of aircraft, rockets, watercraft or vehiclesunless authorized by permit. https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/municode/1184_608.pdf
I dunno, there's a reason they are using tiktok over youtube.
yes, do canada next.
In my city (toronto) there is a bylaw that no remote controlled vehicles are allowed. So, not only Drones, but RC planes and RC Cars. Oddly, its an old bylaw as well, was not written becuase of drones.
huge W for them. Free your brothers and sisters.
still haven't seen that movie.
I had one in my mudroom i used to fight as a kid.
Good point. if we are doing a census it makes sense to get as much data as possible.