Thank you. seems simple enough.
they were only 26. fuck sakes.
grilled pineapple is good. the reason i don't like pineapple on pizza is beacuse it makes pizza soggy, not the taste.
this aint shitty. this is good.
I wish i could afford a e-bike.
imagine a hydrogan gas station exploding?
id say it's alot higher than that from what i've seen, but what doctor are they going to goto?
My problem is most men around me are right leaning and think trump is a savior, or have no political affliation, but are into Canadian cultures i didn't really stick to while growing up (hockey is what i really mean, i dont like it). For me loneliness for me is finding a companion i can share my life with who i know has similar interests as me, and who i know i can trust. I never had a group of friends and i was bullied alot so i don't really connect well with groups of people, and push my way out of that. My communication with the outside world is only on here, and has been since 2008.
Ah i see you stayed in hotel kampala as well.
I was thinking of growing mushrooms actually. i live in an apartment, but the only thing i worry about is if there is any risk growing them in the same enviroment where you live (meaning if you grow them in a basement its ok vs your bedroom closet). I would be using them for cooking of course, and for preserving as well. I really love mushrooms, a bit of radagast the brown if you will.
how does this chalice produce such a potion?
never heard of that before.