[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 months ago

Wasn't that then number always returned by the PS3 random number generator used in their DRM?

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 2 points 9 months ago

The rules are entirely arbitrary, and have no basis in science. I have been told to turn off a GPS receiver that ran on two AA batteries for 12 hours. There is no possible way that you could affect the planes electronics with the power of two AA batteries. Especially not with electronics designed to be quiet enough not to interfere with the extremely weak GPS signals it must listen to. The electronics on a plane must be horribly designed if they can be affected by any hand held electronic device.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

Enter the librarian...

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 5 points 10 months ago

Trump only has two expressions: Smug gloating, and grumpy. That smile is a photoshop.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

Particle board is heavier than un-processed wood. Ikea does sell some stuff made from actual wood if you look for it. I bought an unfinished pine table from them for $60 a few years ago.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml -1 points 10 months ago

You own the copyright of your photo, AI flat art has no copyright, therefore the only copyright is yours.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 7 points 10 months ago

And we do this by flinging metallic lead all over the countryside.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

In California, if there is not a parallel alternative route for bicycles to take, they are allowed on the freeway. Many parts of the 101 freeway fit this exception. State highway 130 (look it up on google maps) is a favorite of cyclists. It is a two lane state highway with a 40 MPH speed limit. for most of its length, there are no shoulders. In many places, the white line on the edge of the lane is also the edge of a vertical cliff. There are places where I have seen an SUV in front of me with one wheel on the white line, and the other on the double yellow line because the lane is so narrow. The road is so winding that there are very few places where you can even get to the speed limit, let alone exceed the speed limit. But bicyclists love it because it was built to allow horse drawn wagons to haul heavy loads to the top of a 4000' peak, so it has a very gentle grade, and there are great views along its entire length.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 months ago

so make the cars go somewhere else

Your first suggestion Is what I hate about the car hating crowd. Remove that from your agenda. Make your alternatives better than a car without screwing over the car drivers. You will make more people accept your changes that way. Light rail in San Jose is a disaster, it does not go to useful places, and it gets there slowly. It should have been a subway so it could be independent of surface traffic.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 0 points 11 months ago

If you want people to abandon cars, make the alternatives better. Unfortunately I never see that happening, I only see attempts to make car travel worse. I hate public transport with a passion, because it is so bad. When I was commuting, it took an hour each way to go 13 miles, but if I tried to take public transport, it would have taken two hours each way, including 2 miles of walking on a state highway with no shoulder and no sidewalks. Would have had to take a bus to the light rail, and change trains at least once. This light rail shared the same road that cars use, so it was subject to all of the same traffic issues that cars suffered.

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 months ago

Are there any recovery specialists who will give a ball park quote for data recovery from an SD card without requiring ones life story, bank account numbers and all your passwords before they will talk to you?

[-] AKADAP@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 months ago

South of King City the 101 has been "under construction" for at least two years. I have not seen any evidence of any change to the road in that time. Just the 55 MPH speed limit where it used to be 70.

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