[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 hours ago

yeah, this is the reason I don't write many comments on Lemmy. you first write a comment, and then find out that you have already been banned for the previous one.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 hours ago

I'm from Ukraine. Wanna hear how my week went? Be brave and stand your ground.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 days ago

sticktlock stickstol? do these jokes even work in English? no clue

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 10 points 2 days ago

whoa! a flintlock stickstol!

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 4 points 6 days ago

our russophobia is not enough.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 26 points 1 month ago

he cares for his health more than I do for mine.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 20 points 4 months ago

Maybe she had her reasons. Maybe she have had enough of all this. Their government tries to cut out the courageous and leave only spineless brainless matter that doesn't resist.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 34 points 5 months ago

I am an unmarried Ukrainian and I need names!

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 85 points 7 months ago
[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 32 points 9 months ago

Poland is not almighty, it cannot send us weapons infinitely. This is their choice.

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 20 points 10 months ago

especially the orange ones

[-] ALERT@sh.itjust.works 28 points 11 months ago

spoiled all the fun :)


cross-posted from: https://reddthat.com/post/550018

So, I decided to buy a venta evaporative humidifier (AH550) which has wifi support. Unfortunately there is no homeassistant integration for this, so I needed to find a workaround solution with pyscript.

What to do to get there:

  • download the venta home app to your smartphone (you need this to initially connect your humidifier to your wifi)
  • create an account (sigh)
  • in the app connect your humidifier to your wlan
  • delete the account
  • delete the venta home app
  • in homeassistant install pyscript integration via hacs
  • create a pyscript folder in your config
  • create the necessary sensors input_booleans, input_numbers, input_selects in homeassistant
  • restart homeassistant
  • add a file "requirements.txt" in your pyscript folder
  • add the text "venta_protocol_v3_device" in your requirements txt
  • create a python file, I called mine "venta_humidifier.py"
  • add the below code into the python file and voila all services and data available in local api can be used in homeassistant through automations
from venta_protocol_v3_device import Venta_Protocol_v3_Device
import json

def venta_setfanspeed(myip=None,mytarget=None):
    name: Sets the Fan Speed of the Venta device
    description: Sets the Fan Speed of the Venta device
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true
            description: provide fan speed between 1 and 3
            example: 1
            required: true            
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.setFanSpeed, target=mytarget)

def venta_setautomatic(myip=None,mytarget=None):
    name: Enables / disables the Automatic mode of the Venta device
    description: Enables / disables the Automatic mode of the Venta device
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true
            description: set if True or False
            example: True
            required: true            
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.setAutomatic, target=mytarget)
def venta_setsleepmode(myip=None,mytarget=None):
    name: Enables / disables the Sleep mode of the Venta device    
    description: Enables / disables the Sleep mode of the Venta device    
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true
            description: set if True or False
            example: True
            required: true            
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.setSleepMode, target=mytarget)

def venta_setpower(myip=None,mytarget=None):
    name: Enables / disables the the Venta device  
    description: Enables / disables the the Venta device  
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true
            description: set if True or False
            example: True
            required: true            
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.setPower, target=mytarget)

def venta_settargethumidity(myip=None,mytarget=None):
    name: Sets the target humidity of the Venta device    
    description: Sets the target humidity of the Venta device    
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true
            description: sets target humidity in 5% steps
            example: 55
            required: true            
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.setTargetHum, target=mytarget)
def venta_getstatus(myip=None):
    name: Contacts the Venta device and populates / updates the class properties  
    description: Contacts the Venta device and populates / updates the class properties
            description: provide IP of venta humidifier
            required: true       
    d = Venta_Protocol_v3_Device(myip)
    mytask = task.executor(d.getStatus)
    data= task.executor(d.toJSON)
    x = json.loads(data)
    service.call("input_number", "set_value", blocking=True, entity_id="input_number.venta_temperature", value=round(x['Temperature'],2))
    service.call("input_number", "set_value", blocking=True, entity_id="input_number.venta_humidity", value=round(x['Humidity'],2))
    service.call("input_number", "set_value", blocking=True, entity_id="input_number.venta_targethumidity", value=round(x['TargetHum'],0))
    service.call("input_number", "set_value", blocking=True, entity_id="input_number.venta_daystoservice", value=round(x['DaysToService'],0))
    if x['SleepMode'] == True:
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_on", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_sleepmode")
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_off", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_sleepmode")
    if x['Power'] == True:
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_on", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_power")
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_off", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_power")
    if x['Warnings'] == True:
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_on", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_lowwaterwarning")
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_off", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_lowwaterwarning")
    if x['Automatic'] == True:
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_on", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_automatic")
        service.call("input_boolean", "turn_off", blocking=True, entity_id="input_boolean.venta_automatic")
    if x['FanSpeed'] == 1:
        service.call("input_select", "select_option", blocking=True, entity_id="input_select.venta_fanspeed", option="low")
    elif x['FanSpeed'] == 2:
        service.call("input_select", "select_option", blocking=True, entity_id="input_select.venta_fanspeed", option="medium")    
    elif x['FanSpeed'] == 3:
        service.call("input_select", "select_option", blocking=True, entity_id="input_select.venta_fanspeed", option="high")    
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ALERT@sh.itjust.works to c/pyscript_ha@sh.itjust.works

As an initial post, I just wanted to say that Pyscript changed my whole usage of Home Assistant. I don't even use the built-in automations: everything is performed by Pyscript. Without it, I would dump 90% of my automation ideas due to the clunky automation interface and YAML clunkiness.

If you are too humble to post at the Pyscript GitHub Discussions, please post your questions here!

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joined 1 year ago