[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 69 points 8 months ago

That guy again... I just repost what i commented last time:

after looking around on that site, i deeply mistrust the original author about probably everything. using the search term "christchurch shooting was faked"
and arguing that the search results attack conspiracy theories, which means that there is censoring going on - that does not fit my definition of sanity.

e: ah, and the moon landing was fake and covid shots are evil. dudes, this guy is nuts, dont even take the time of the day from him.

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 17 points 8 months ago

You are clearly underestimating your smarts - too many people stick with their first reaction and don't reexamine their feelings and position on issues. Your family is lucky to have you.

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 26 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Once again profit was more important than the health and safety of common people. And i am quite sure that none of the responsible parties will see jail time over this, because they never do.

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 16 points 9 months ago

Acts 16:3

Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

oof, jail it is.

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 11 points 9 months ago

But her accuracy sucks

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 18 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

One of our 4 kitties started doing the same a while ago, always around 10-11am. In my experience as a cat dad of over 30 years it boils down to one of those things:

  • Food/Hunger/Water: Maybe his current food/water/feeding location isn't to his liking (even if he liked it before), or the feeding time is inconvenient for him
  • Attention/Space/Power shifts: Did any of the persons living in the household change up their routine? do any other pets/activities currently hog your attention? Did another cat start taking over a sleeping spot after you started your walks? Also, walking your cat MIGHT (thats cat specific) put stress on him because his now much larger territory cannot be defended while he's stuck at home; not all cats are cut out for walks even if they show no issues during a walk and many are happier just staying indoors
  • Toilets: Not necessarily (only) cleanliness, but location also in respect to feeding / water locations, and probable medical issues regarding defecation/urination (one of our boys had bladder stones a few years back - he was quite vocal after toilet visits)

In our case it was caused by one or both of the 2 things: a bit of hunger around 10am (while all other cats in the household are asleep), and one of the other cats lately started hogging my wife's attention and cuddling a lot more with her, taking time away from HIS precious headscritches-time. We fixed it giving a small amount of food at 10am (just a few bites), before he starts his behaviour, and intentionally giving him a weekend of bonus attention which shifted time back to him over during normal times too. It's very cat - and situationspecific; he is definitely our most human-oriented cat, so i'm pretty sure the attention shifts were the main culprit.

Don't be afraid to try different things, but don't change too many of them at the same time and give changes a day or two to sink in. If your cat cannot get something he likes, always offer an alternative to him! I hope you find out whats bugging your cat!

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 67 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

after looking around on that site, i deeply mistrust the original author about probably everything. using the search term "christchurch shooting was faked" and arguing that the search results attack conspiracy theories, which means that there is censoring going on - that does not fit my definition of sanity.

e: ah, and the moon landing was fake and covid shots are evil. dudes, this guy is nuts, dont even take the time of the day from him.

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Give Grim Dawn or Chronicon a try, they are awesome and scratch that ARPG itch good. Grim Dawn is actually getting a new patch, that game was released in 2016... and a few of its mods are top tier quality. goddamn it, i already have 2k hours in GD and i will fire it up again when the patch comes, i know it

Our boy enjoying laundry day (media.kbin.social)
[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 24 points 11 months ago

"How to make sure i will never return again"

I'm not sure what other uses their strategy has - storage for account data is dirt cheap?

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 33 points 11 months ago

In a few years the only thing of value remaining of twitter will be the x.com domain

[-] AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social 22 points 11 months ago

Yea but so what? Hydrogen is literally the most common thing in the universe, no fucking way there is also some on the moon 🤯. Then what’s so spectacular about moon ice, water, or even oxygen? And why does it need people to explore it?

Hydrogen is common, readily available high concentration deposits of hydrogen/oxygen sources are not. The craters being in perpetual darkness does not help robotic survey and exploration since solar panels aren't available and it's probably very cold (although i don't know if RTGs wouldn't fix that)

Exploiting resources has to be a joke, right? Do they want to sell us the newly found moon water? The only point I get is the tourism aspect. Because, of course, I always encourage billionaires to pursue dangerous hobbies 😊

if you want to make space travel and exploration more common, a refueling/refining station or production capabilities on the moon would be awesome - most of the energy we need now for that is needed to escape earths gravity well. Being able to build a space vessel on the moon would be awesome! Also, being able to extract resources on the moon would remove the ecological impact of mining from earth. And like you i always encourage our elite to follow their dreams into whatever abyss they want 😁

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