[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It doesn't even need to be alone to gain energy and still works fine with just one or two people who you're close to.

It's the "lot's of people" and the "people I barelly know" that are exhausting.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Lots of talk, no action: that's bullshit Political Propaganda 101 when a politician in power wants to do something which most of his voters are strongly against.

His Administration's actions are exactly the opposite, from the weapons shipments to Israel going around Congress that included 2000lb bombs to UN Vetos and saying that the ICJ shouldn't even be evaluating the case against Israel for Genocide (clearly this Administration fears a veredict of "guilty", which means they do believe Israel is likely comitting what amounts to Genocide under International Law).

The non-sociopath path for America would've be "Perfect Neutrality" (no action at all), yet Biden choses actual military and diplomatic support, including condemning anti-Genocide demonstrators as "anti-semitic" and condoning the use of police violence against them all the while in this specific subject lying just as shamelessly as Trump.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Well, they seem to be replenishing their submersible fleet in the Black Sea with lots of new under water vessels: for every ship they lose they get a new sub...

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I've noticed that the loudest the politicians in a country rant about how great a Democracy that country has, the less of a Democracy it is.

In Europe, for example, you get British Politicians going on an one about how the country has the "Oldest Democracy in The World" (this in a country with a King who a few years ago - well, his mother - was found to actually have some power over what legislation gets passed, an unlected second chamber with members who inherit their seat from their parents and First Past The Post for Parliament) all the while in The Netherlands (who, IMHO, have probably the most Democratic system in the World, including Proportional Vote, though with a powerless King) politians pretty much never rant about the quality of their Democracy.

At least in the West, the most loud and relentless proclaimers of how great their Democracy is by a large margin are American politicians.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Clearly the profound racism never disappeared, otherwise the German power elites wouldn't "unwaveringly support" a nation because of the ethnicity of the majority of its people and its leaders: the more visible artifacts of ancient germanic symbols, goose stepping and the brown shirts might be gone but the thinking that some people are more worthy than others purelly because of their ethnicity is still just as strong.

Additionally, that the German authorities are now going so far as shown in this and other news in support of the ethno-Fascists of a specific ethnicity, also indicates that the authoritarian tendencies too are alive and well in the mindset of the German power elites.

It looks a lot like the foundations of Nazism are alive, well and returning to prominence, with a different symbology and façade, but still the same view of humans as ethnics and the same authoritarian forceful imposition of a race-based view of the worth of human beings on others.

It's actually quite scary to watch from the outside as Germany goes back to overtly using force to suppress dissent on its power elite's racial supremacist views for the benefit of an extreme form of ethno-Fascism, even if this time around it's not the Arian Race that's being "supported".

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Democracy requires its 3 pillars - the Judicial, the Press and the Political - to be independent.

In the US all three are tied, some even Constitutionally.

It's thus not surprised that the country only ever got close to being governed for the Many rather than the Few at times when other Civil Society movements (such as Unions) were strong and healthy. Certainly that's not the case nowadays, not even close.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

You were supposed to have an antenna.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Belgium has an unusual constitution that lets its regions have veto power over some of its decisions in the international stage and adding a member to the EU is actually a change to a major Treaty that Belgium is part of.

For most EU member countries, there is no such thing, though I believe some (Luxemburg, Malta?) are actually smaller than Walonia in terms of population.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Even without the whole Religion angle, racists the world over just love ethno-nationalism: each ethnicity living in their own corner, separate from the rest, is exactly what these people want.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

The anti-semites are probably ecstatic at the whole linking of a nation that commits Genocide and kills little children with snipers, bombs and starvation to the entire Jewish ethnicity.

It makes it incredibly easy for them to grab some particularly nasty action of the state of Israel as an example and say "See, that's how Jews are like".

Non-Jews going around telling other people, including Jews, that people who mass murder civilians, including very purposefully children, journalists and medical personnel, represent the Jewsih Religion and hence implying those actions are Jewishness, is the most antisemitic thing around.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 16 points 3 days ago

The antisemitism is the linking of a specific nation state and its disgusting actions to an entire ethnicity even when members of that ethnicity very overtly and explicitly disavow that link.

Germany's actions have all the hallmarks of German "tradition": assuming that Jews are all the same, telling Jews what Jewishness is, implying there are good Jews (who follow Germany's definition of Jewishness) and bad Jews (who don't).

Clearly Nazi thinking was never eliminated amongst the German elites, it just got its lists of "good races" and "bad races" updated.

[-] Aceticon@lemmy.world 42 points 4 days ago

For starters, bulk copying a person's documents without their approval sounds like mass copyright violation.

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