[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 10 points 4 months ago

I used to work in an Engineering role in the Detroit auto industry. I think this is a good thing. The big three have been stagnantly focused on building their cars to be as cheap and shitty as possible for decades. Over bloated and perpetually behind the curve.

Maybe this will light a fire under their asses and motivate them to invest in EVs properly and improve their quality.

Probably not though.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 17 points 4 months ago

Because the people in charge of enforcing and interpreting the law are ideologically aligned with him.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 14 points 4 months ago

Pirate a CAD program, learn how to use it, then pay for the certification test.

After passing, you apply for CAD designer jobs or do Freelance CAD. You'll have a leg up on everyone else if you have that certification. Many of these jobs are remote and don't require college.

CAD programs may seem daunting at first, but they are actually pretty straightforward. If you can do basic math and play video games, you can do CAD.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 12 points 4 months ago

Sure! I was raised Methodist protestant and my wife Catholic. Neither of us are practicing any more. One grain of salt I'll add to this is that Protestant beliefs vary WIDELY on a lot of subjects, so this is going off my own experience. This is all about Mary the mother of Christ, not to be confused with Mary Magdalene.

  1. Catholics and Protestants both believe that Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus, but Catholics believe that Mary never had sex in her entire life. Protestants are more willing to accept that Mary was not a virgin her whole life and went on to have more children. In fact in both bibles, his brothers are named: James, Joseph (Joses), Jude (Judas), and Simon. Note that these are not necessarily the same as the apostles but they are mentioned in both the Gospels of Mark and Matthew. It is also mentioned that Jesus has sisters. The Catholic interpretation is that these are not literal siblings, but perhaps other family. (The Catholic assertion doesn't check out in the original greek btw).

  2. Catholics have a concept called "Original Sin", which all people are said to be cursed with due to Adam and Eve's fuck ups. This Original Sin is why we commit sin at all. This is another Catholic extra-biblical concept. Mary, however, is "Free from Original Sin" for reasons that are never explained, and that's why she was chosen to carry Jesus. Because according to Catholicism, Mary was literally perfect and never did any sin in her entire life. Protestants generally don't believe in the concept of Original Sin at all, and subsequently believe that Mary was just a regular poor girl.

  3. The Veneration of Mary and the other Saints is another extra-biblical Catholic special. TL;DR: If you check enough boxes and the Church has enough political will, you can posthumously be awarded Sainthood which a pagan would interpret as being elevated to the status of a minor god. Saints are a whole different class of person in Catholic cannon. Not only are they getting into Heaven first, they apparently can appear to people through miracles, and its certified Catholic kosher to worship saints as you would Jesus or God himself. Its not un-typical for Catholic households to have literal shrines dedicated to specific saints, and to pray to saints directly. Ironically they are usually praying to the saint as some sort of divine middleman because for some reason Catholics are afraid of praying to God directly. Mary is considered even better than a saint, so think all the above x100. More so than saint shrines, its common for Catholic households to have shrines dedicated to Mary. You also may have heard of the "Hail Mary"; it is an actual prayer. If you've never heard or participated in one, look up a video, its unironically like a cult chant. Seeing it in person is extremely bizarre if you aren't already familiar with it.

Protestants do not recognize the Veneration of any thing or person beyond the Holy Trinity. Worshiping saints by praying to them is considered blasphemy. The creation and worship of shrines to anything other than the Trinity is considered Idol Worship, which is a form of blasphemy. All of this extends to Mary. Worshiping or praying to Mary is not ok. Protestants also don't have nearly so many cult chants and prefer to improv praying directly to God but that's another rabbit hole.

3a. I don't feel like I got across how important Mary is to Catholics. Mary in Catholic lore is like a fuckin super saint. She has titles like "Masterwork of God", "Mother of the Church", "Queen of Heaven", Etc. She "appears" to dozens of other people who go on to become Saints. She was prayed to widely during the Black Death, has entire churches devoted to just her, and has a specific shrine in literally every single Catholic church on Earth. In Protestant lore, Mary is not much more than a footnote.

This is getting pretty long winded at this point but you get the idea. This is only the tip of the iceberg with Protestant v Catholic btw, they are astoundingly different in doctrines and practices while believing a lot of the same core bullet points.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 10 points 5 months ago

Maybe if we all apathy hard enough, the fascists will just give up and go home! Brilliant!

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 15 points 5 months ago

This is what happens when any organization is run by an endless cascade of conspiracy theorist nutjobs. People who are unable to conceive or accept reality are also unable to manage reality including finances. Their strategy for everything is to gaslight and throw blame. There's not even a shred of critical thinking about how they're actually going to manage or solve the problem.

Gaslighting a bank will not work as well as gaslighting voters.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 13 points 6 months ago

Crazy how nature do that

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 11 points 6 months ago

That is correct. Not sure if you were trying to dispute my comment but to clarify, the remark I was making is that slavery =/= imprisonment on its own. Slavery = imprisonment + work.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 14 points 6 months ago

Do it, Frank. Declare a crusade.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 12 points 6 months ago

I say this to everyone who will listen. The danger from AI is not a Terminator situation. It's economists, billionaires, and c-suite execs who don't know shit about fuck, that will push to replace their workforce with AI. In the short term it'll even work too for a lot of companies, which is the sad part.

As OP said though, long term it's a recipe for failure. If nobody is working then nobody is getting paid and therefore can't buy anything. The billionaire class, however, won't admit that they've fucked themselves until mobs start showing up to strip their houses of copper wire and valuables. We'll be neck deep in civilization collapse at that point.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 10 points 10 months ago

See the meme has it all wrong. The boba isn't made from ribosomes. Boba recharges ribosomes.

I drink boba once a week to maintain healthy endoplasmic reciticlums.

[-] Addition@sh.itjust.works 16 points 11 months ago

James Madison was a fraud! He used ChatGPT instead of writing out his homework like he was supposed to. Smh my head.

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