
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)


Image description/transcriptionComic with multiple panels. A small child stands with a yellow piece of paper with some writing on it.

TEACHER: What's your report on?
STUDENT: "The most accurate telling of Australian history"!
TEACHER: In 5 minutes?
STUDENT: In 5 minutes!
TEACHER: LOL! Go for it! [pushing button on watch: BEEP!]
STUDENT: Aboriginal people first appeared in Australia around the Kimberlys where it's pretty nice. Over the next 10,000 years they settled the entire continent. This was good until an ice age started. It lasted for a few thousand years. A lot of people died but some people survived by sticking close to rivers and wet areas where things were a bit better. People in different spots stayed connected with each other through pathways that some think are the origins of 'songlines'—tracks believed to be created by dreaming beings like the Rainbow Serpent. The ice age ended and living in Australia was easier again. As the ice melted, the map of Australia changed to what it looks like today. This took a few thousand years. Tasmania became separate from the mainland. The Torres Strait Islands formed. Different lakes and rivers got created. In all of these different areas, different people found different ways of doing things—different tools, art, technology, diets, hunting and farming tactics, medicines, weapons, traditions, dances, gender roles. Different groups still interacted with each other for everyone's gain. They'd hold corroborees to share goods, exchange news, have fun, find love, and keep conflict between groups to a minimum. Then white people on boats came and took over. Thanks.
TEACHER: What? What about Captain Cook? Convicts? Anzacs? Multiculturalism?
STUDENT: I said this was the most accurate telling of history, Miss.
STUDENT: Indigenous people have been here for 40,000 years. All that stuff happened in the last 250 years.
STUDENT: [tapping on calculator] That's 0.6% of all Australia's history. So I gave it 0.6% of my time.
STUDENT: I didn't want to short-change anything.
STUDENT: Is this too much maths for history?

[–] 5 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

What is blud yapping about jesse-wtf

I mean, apart from the Gamergate Mad Libs, he didn't actually articulate what it is about Godot that's woke. Genuinely WTF is he talking about?

[–] 88 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Wow, I'm so upset that these people providing an invaluable service to the world have a modicum of comfort in their lives!

[–] 12 points 12 hours ago

The tweet

This is the author of I'm In Love With the Villainess, so I'm actually curious about the plot, especially if they've had trouble getting it published in Japan. Maybe it involves toppling the patriarchy and having science babies or something

[–] 14 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

In my case, my sister and my dad, but yeah. Truly amazing results: they have genetic compositions you would expect from any random person with their ethnic backgrounds! This information was definitely worth eroding the privacy of our entire family tree.

[–] 6 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Digital version

This is the first time I've seen the Haruhi manga adaptation and man, it's so weird not seeing the KyoAni character designs. The light novel designs are better, but even then the KyoAni designs are a major glow-up (see also: K-On!, Hibike! Euphonium).

CW: depressingI looked up the character designers for the anime I mentioned and found out that 1. K-On! and Hibike! Euphonium have the same character designer, Shouko Ikeda and 2. she died in the arson attack sadness-abysmal

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

That's actually a myth (it was quite successful in Japan), but a widely circulated one so I don't blame you. Textbook example of "a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Have you tried a cooling vest? I got one of those phase-change dealies this summer and it really made things bearable compared to when I was almost fainting after a 30 minute walk. I'm actually still wearing it now even though things have cooled down, since it's more comfy and I end up sweating a lot less.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! german-mud-wizard


There were a few posts showing interest already

so I figured I'd let people know! Idk if there are any scanlations in the works (let alone an official English localization), but if you're decent at Japanese I'd say the first chapter is pretty accessible. My kanji knowledge is pretty terrible but I was able to muscle through with only looking up a few key words and just relying on context for the rest. This is just a setup chapter, so there's not much to go on:

brief summaryIt introduces you to the setting and the main character, teaches you a bit about how ordinary Russians benefitted from communism, tells you about the MCs hopes and dreams, and then has everything come crashing down after Nazis roll into the village accusing them of harboring partisans and start summarily executing people.


The art is great, IMO--to be expected of the mangaka of Our Dreams at Dusk (highly recommended if you haven't read it already, and a short read at only four volumes!). Also there was a neat touch which I haven't personally seen before: when German is being spoken, it's still written in Japanese but typeset in the typical Western horizontal style which makes it clearly stand out without requiring any annotations. Look forward to seeing where it goes, and I hope it'll get an official localization to maximize its exposure to Western audiences! Also from a raw reading perspective, it's nice to get in on the ground floor since it can feel really daunting to have 100 chapters ahead of you when reading is somewhat slow and effortful.


Love how the rhythmic hitch caused by the "missing beat" makes the bass groove so hard

Oh yeah, post your favorite 7/4 tunes! I went for the low-hanging fruit, but I'd love to hear some others, especially ones with different beat groupings (e.g. 2 + 3 + 2 instead of the 2 + 2 + 3 used in "Money")


This song is somehow simultaneously paint-by-numbers generic anisong #136 and a total banger. Been jamming to it ever since the anime started airing and the full versions just dropped today to coincide with the final episode of the anime!

Honestly, paint-by-numbers is a little harsh; I think it sounds like that at first blush since it doesn't do anything particularly innovative—Cry Baby, it's not (there are English subs!)—but it's well-written and blends a lot of typical J-pop tropes in just the right way such that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I love that they did a bunch of different versions--the piano one really allows you to appreciate the voice leading, while the acoustic guitar one emphasizes the rhythmic elements. Maybe it's just because it executes something really well that I'm a sucker for: taking the same melody and recontextualizing it by changing the underlying harmony (the first melodic motif in the chorus is repeated three times, and each time it gets different chord changes!). And the hook is such an earworm:



Ever since I got introduced to the joys of Minesweeper by Girl_DM_ I've been having a lot of fun playing it as a little timewaster. I'm specifically playing the version from Simon Tatham's lovely Portable Puzzle Collection (more specifically the Android port via F-Droid) which unlike the original Minesweeper does NOT require guessing. Most of the time, I'm well-versed enough in patterns and testing candidate solutions that I'm able to clear a 16x16 board with 99 mines in about 3-5 minutes. But on a fairly regular basis I'll run into situations where I get stuck and it seems like I'd either have to calculate an inordinate amount of possible solutions or just make a random guess, neither of which are appealing. Here's one such example:

with annotations

without annotations

There's probably some cool Minesweeper shorthand I could use to describe the constraints, but what I tried to show with my annotations is how I understand that, for each of the annotated squares, there is a mutually-exclusive binary choice (or in the case of the 3, two choices) for where a mine could be located. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, while the choices are internally mutually exclusive, it doesn't seem like there's any permutation of those choices that is invalid so I can't eliminate any possibilities. My usual strategy is to fix one choice and see if it results in a contradiction. For instance, if the other mine for the 2 is the upper choice, we can clear the lower square. That means the lower square for the 1 must be a mine, and this still leaves either of the two bottom choices as valid for the 3 (so this is a possible configuration based on these constraints).

The only remaining sections have a lot of freedom which makes them daunting to analyze. Of the remaining unanalyzed squares, from top to bottom they have 2, 2, and 3 mines remaining, respectively, which is quite a lot of options to fully check, and I can only eliminate a few heuristically (e.g. the top 3 must have at least one mine in either the east or southeast space, since otherwise the 4 to the south can't be fulfilled; the 4 must not have the remaining mines all in the east column because otherwise the 2 and 1 can't be fulfilled). I'm sure if I went through them methodically I would eventually arrive at an answer, but that's pretty tedious, so I usually just give up and generate a new board in this kind of situation.

TL;DR: am I missing some neat heuristic(s) that will allow me to either slash the possible solutions to a more manageable number or eliminate individual solutions very quickly, or is this kind of difficult spot just an inevitable outcome for some boards?


I like all of Scootertrix's videos, but I found this one to be particularly delightful

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