I had to tell a bunch of librarians that LLMs are literally language models made to mimic language patterns, and are not made to be factually correct. They understood it when I put it that way, but librarians are supposed to be "information professionals". If they, as a slightly better trained subset of the general public, don't know that, the general public has no hope of knowing that.
I never really got into tea because I always found the flavour disappointing compared to its aroma. But I recently tried yerba maté, which isn't a tea but definition, but is similar. It's made from the leaves and stems of Holly and has a strong, bitter flavour that definitely does not disappoint. It's enjoyed in places like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. Now I start my day with a mug of coffee, then sip on maté the rest of the day.
This is insanity. I'm glad she's safe here in Canada and edit: HOPE she will be granted status to stay and complete her PhD that she's almost done. It sounds like Srinivasan is the kind of person we want to welcome here: intelligent, hard working, slides with justice.
I hope Canada will continue to be a safe place for people who work hard for a better life not just for themselves, but others also.
Personally, I'm not sure we can assume there will be an election in four years. Or if there is one, that it won't be an "election", like in Russia.
(Likewise, if the US ever did take over Canada by force, I'm sure we would be a territory like Puerto Rico and not have a vote.)
I had a booking/confirmation number and everything. I even showed the CC statement from my phone, which also had the booking number, too, but the counter agent didn't have the ability to change it even though he could see my name and seat on the flight. I had no time left, so I paid again and ran to security and then to the gate.
At least the the counter agent gave me a voucher for the trouble. I got myself a beer on the plane with it, because I needed it at that point!
In general, I prefer using cash because of less information being generated, but I agree that we shouldn't pretend that CCs don't also have advantages (if you're not one to rack up debt). Smaller purchases where carrying cash is reasonable? Absolutely. Larger purchases where you need some insurance? CC.
The other day I made a purchase at a store and noticed I was charged for something I didn't buy (not that something was charged twice, it was an entirely foreign item that wasn't even physically there). The transaction had to be voided and then re-done. The cashier and the manager (who was needed to void the tx) both said it was good I had paid by credit instead of debit because it's a lot harder even for them to return money via debit. I have no idea why, and neither did they.
Some years ago, Air Canada's system said I didn't pay for my flight when I tried to check in. But I was already on the manifest and had already been assigned a seat. How could I possibly have an assigned seat if I hadn't paid? The desk agent was sympathetic but could not overrule the system, so I had to pay again for the seat that was already assigned to me. Air Canada could not refund the original payment because I supposedly had never paid it in the first place. I had to use a chargeback to get my money back. If not for CC chargeback, I would have lost that money entirely.
Dogs taking away jobs from humans? What a disgrace! Surely dogs are DEI hires, if I ever saw one. They're not even people!
There are very many normal human sounds that are not speech, including, but not limited to: laughter, crying, yelling/screaming/yelping (in surprise, pain, fear), groaning, moaning, yawning, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, singing, whistling.
What constitutes human speech? There are languages that have sounds that don't exist in other languages (said as someone still trying to get a hold on rolling my Rs).
In any case, we should all learn some sign language. Seriously, it's useful to be able to communicate silently or just visually (e.g. Across a noisy room), plus it makes life way more inclusive for Deaf people.
Wow, the Russian (probably) movement went hard on that one.
My respect to you for going back and checking it out.
Honestly, I'm not surprised. Was their main target in-store shoppers? Their location is too far for, I suspect, most people when a L&M (or even other small, independent stores) is much closer.
This is the first I've heard of it. Can you share your source, please? I want to see it myself whether it's reputable before I form an opinion.
Librarians go to school to learn how to manage information, whether it is in book format or otherwise. (We tend to think of libraries as places with books because, for so much of human history, that's how information was stored.)
They are not supposed to have more information in their heads, they are supposed to know how to find (source) information, catalogue and categorize it, identify good information from bad information, good information sources from bad ones, and teach others how to do so as well.