I’ve had my lunch and cued up an afternoon of Quebecois folk music. Back to work
joined 2 years ago
Tiniest is a proper little human now
Party pie party
That is one end of a sausage casing, yes
🎵 Work work work work work work
Gon make some haluski.
Cabbage, bacon, butter and noodles. Good times
Yes, the rip is the problem
I have opened up every window and door in my apartment. Let it rain
I just realised what the date was. Shit. Sorry Mum
Thunderstorm for the people!
That's bizarre. The other way around is common, because there are so many more right handed pairs in the world...but surely they know exactly how many lefties they're supplying?
It's unthinkable that someone might have an EXTRA set of lefty scissors. Normally there aren't enough!
Love it. Impeccable. Bravo