[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

My understanding is that it is working much better now than a few months ago. I haven't actually put it to the test yet, but it is on my list of things to try once I have time to set up my index again.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. The closest you will get is the first amendment, which prevents Congress from establishing a religion, or preventing the free practice of one.

I'm with you that religion should not be forced in schools, but you can't use the Constitution to prevent this particular issue.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

The point being that isn't in the Constitution

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 12 points 3 weeks ago

There is no current game I want to play that doesn't run on Linux. Valve really has done an amazing job with proton and getting games to work as well or better on Linux.

Now, that said, I am not big into competitive multiplayer, so take that into account. Anti cheat is still a problem since most of the current ones need permissions that are not normally given on Linux.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

Having been in the military, I find it hilarious and accept that it is not a place everyone should be. The recruiter likely has a very similar realistic understanding of where the military stands with people right now.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

Alright, alright, alright.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

That doesn't explain why already established products are ditching things like plainly visible scroll bars in products like Microsoft word and other content viewers.

submitted 11 months ago by Alatain@lemmy.world to c/intp@lemmy.world

So, how are people doing over here? I am getting over a cold and playing Inscryption (along with my partner who is backseat gaming).

How are other folk?

submitted 11 months ago by Alatain@lemmy.world to c/intp@lemmy.world

I have put a moderate amount of work into putting together an enjoyable, functional electronic environment that reflects my unique interests and tastes. So, I am curious. Anyone else out there have their comfy, cozy personal electronic home?

My personal setup is a good, but old laptop running Linux tweaked to my liking, with a beefier gaming desktop also running Linux. I have the two configured so I can use the laptop and swap to a secondary workspace that is the gaming pc whenever I want to do something that could use a bit more power or if I just want to off load it to the other machine and have it do something in the background. Added to that nice compatibility, I also have my phone set up for the same functionality, so I can access the main computer there as well. Then I just recently added a Steam Deck to the mix that is currently my main gaming device. Anything it can run, I do there. If not, you guessed it, I moonlight into the gaming pc to run the latest AAA games on higher settings. Add to that a set of good wireless earbuds with smart assistant functionality and a home with smart lights and features and I kinda walk around a little electronic paradise.

So, what are y'all running with? What little personalized things have you done to make your world yours? Or are the computers in your life just tools and you are good with how they come?

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Computer mouse or live mouse? Yes


This... this was a low-key life changer.

I made the recipe as it was originally done and it was pretty much the simplest, quickest thing I have ever made.

You need noodles (I used a simple pack of the "fresh" noodles from the supermarket, it took literally 2 minutes to cook), a block of decent Parmesan cheese that you will shred about a cup of (gotta go with a block that you shred yourself, the pre-shredded doesn't work), and four tablespoons of butter. That's it.

You boil the noodles per the package (it was 2 minutes for the ones I used), then pull them from the water and put them wet in a large bowl with the butter. Add a small amount of the water you boiled the noodles in (like 1/3rd cup or so) and then slowly add in the cheese, mixing it as you go. That's it. You can add more pasta water if you want it saucier, but mix it until the cheese and butter melts into a sauce and you are good to go.

With the fresh noodles, it maybe takes 5 or 6 minutes and was a very tasty and filling meal. Totally worth it.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

It kinda depends on what you want it to do. Personally, I am enjoying the official valve dock. It does all the things I want it to do and I do not need any additional functionality out of it. I have heard that it is finicky with certain types of tvs though, so you might want to search for your tv model(s) and see if anyone has had issues with that before.

That said, if you want extra features like storage or whatever, then you need to look for those.

submitted 11 months ago by Alatain@lemmy.world to c/intp@lemmy.world

I brought up the idea of protesting reddit and moving to Lemmy a couple of times on the INTP subreddit to tepid interest, but if we wanted to get a few more people over here, we could try and let people know we are over here carving out our niche.

Not sure if a post was made over yonder or not, and I would not want to unilaterally decide to do so, but it could be good to have a few more voices in here.

What says the sub?

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Personally, I don't really mess with battlenet games at all, but my understanding is that you can open Lutris and install battlenet pretty easily. Then just like on Windows, you install Diablo via their installer, and for most people, it works out of the box.

You can also download battlenet directly and add it as a non steam game to steam and then run it using their Proton compatibility option. This also works on the steam deck.

Look, I'll be the first one to say that gaming on Linux is not as easy as it can be on Windows. But it is definitely not a bad experience, and hard core gaming is not the majority use case for computers. We have billions of PC users in the world. Under 3 million play Diablo 4. That is a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

[-] Alatain@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

Given that you need to install non-native hi rez textures to play Diablo 4 in 4k on Windows, that is not a good test for the "general crowd".

The moment you get into any kind of high end gaming PCs, you've already left "general crowd" territory for most computer users.

Is this a thing? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Alatain@lemmy.world to c/intp@lemmy.world

Was just checking to see if any INTP folk made the trip here from Reddit. Is this an actual sub or just another thing that an INTP decided to do, but then hot bored half way to execution?


This one just occurred to me, but I have always had iffy handwriting and recently have been trying to learn Russian which is reliant on fairly tricky cursive.

I have found the whole experience of learning a new style of cursive to be frustratingly difficult and was wondering if not having a good visual memory might lend itself to a slightly harder time of it.

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