Since Biden died in 2019 his campaigns' main strategy has been to keep the corpse away from the limelight as much as possible. The pandemic helped immensely last time, not only did Trump just removed the response, he also couldn't campaign as hard and Biden wasn't expected to make public appearances where he'd have to stand by himself without strings.

You know how liberals sometimes talk about some percentage of voters Trump/Republicans can't lose? That's what "cold/stutter" people are for democrats.

[-] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I still have no idea what anyone is talking about in saying Ginsburg should have resigned. Scalia died while Obama was in office, and he didn't fight to fill that seat. That's not to mention these rightists have been sitting with their thumbs up their collective arse while further rightists were appointing their loonies as federal judges.

Biden's been brain dead since 2019. He was elected without so much as a brain fart worth a damn. Why is this an issue now, when it was simply brushed away last time?

Just checked the article, (archive link) there's no poll or anything what is value to indicate previous undecideds are leaning Biden. A poll of Latin voters suggests Trump may overperform with them, though with garbled wording they managed to make that sound like Biden is the one outperforming.

The corpse of Joe Biden revealed once more that the coils in his skull aren't fully functional. I'm not certain how the usian public will respond yet, but shitlibs are scrambling to make sense of it. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

[-] 29 points 4 months ago

Here's a super fun exercise anyone can do with a bit of free time. If ever you read an article regurgitating some claim of an atrocity by any western enemy, follow the links to the claim. It won't be much of a rabbit hole. In general, for a 4 yol claim (so the October 7 tales may not fit exactly) you'll be linked to a 2 week old article, which will link a 6 month old one, which will link a 2 yo one, which send you to:

  1. Wikipedia, which will have already been re-written citing a 1 yo article
  2. A UN transcript, HRW article, or something equally worthless of someone repeating the claim
  3. The best approximation of an original source

That last one is extremely rare, but it's always magnificent. You find out stuff like how the 1-3 million interned Uyghurs claim comes from a pseudo-study that remotely talked to 8 people and nothing else.

[-] 34 points 4 months ago

Indeed. The Ukraine used all these excellent communications technologies to create a superior understanding of the battleground than Russia and has been victorious in every encounter since they received the Leopards. They absolutely, definitely, did not just ride these tanks into mine fields and artillary range to get shredded.

[-] 41 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Indeed. The article is pathetically low on details, but it wouldn't surprise me if Stewart actually cut ties because they didn't want him doing an hour of sissypea bashing on the flimsiest horseshit and he didn't back down. I'm sure he'd feel all smug and self-righeous about it too, the hwite hero of a billion and half oppressed chinese.

Stewart's pet project is defending the emergency service workers who participated during WTC attacks. If he really gave a shit he'd be speaking out against usian military endeavours at every turn so that such an attack wouldn't happen again, yet he's nowhere to be found.

[-] 39 points 9 months ago

Not them but I can provide some nuance. Most importantly I think, the peoples of the mainland and Taiwan island aren't a separate people. Folks in Taiwan island have family and friends in the mainland and vice versa. This was the case in the Korean peninsula as well, so fair question to ask the difference, which is that there was never really a wall of separation between Taiwan island and the rest of China. Taiwan's main trade partner is the PRC and it's easy to travel, meaning whatever propoganda might be thrown at these people cannot work as it has in occupied Korea.

On top of these ties, the political relationship here also isn't as the western MSM portrays it. The CPC generally isn't sabre-rattling the way the US or even the EU are, there are few threats being thrown around and that's usually threats towards the west for trying to drive a wegde, not the people on the island. Similarly, despite their declarations to the west, even the DPP aren't working to completely sever ties. They'll posture and try to hurt the PRC but they know they can't survive without the mainland.

[-] 49 points 10 months ago

It's less that and more "ohh, it's fine when they say it, but when I say it, it's racist" which isn't reasonable in the first place for the n-word, but doubly so in this case since we know there's a lot of racism going around in the HK independence "movement."

[-] 35 points 10 months ago

You? Apparently not. But to the best of their ability people answer honest questions here. "If capitalism is so great and a shirt travels the world 5 times before getting to the shop why're there tens of millions without access to sanitation and clean water" is a fair question.

Also, the high estimates of the famines in socialist states are measured exactly in the manmer you decried. If you could read the bottom text, you'd underatand this is intentional.

[-] 40 points 10 months ago

You call it collusion, we call it obeying market realities! As in, capitalists invent a reality and the people obey it.

[-] 28 points 10 months ago

You're a good kid but you're still thinking in absolutes like an idealist. I get thet your parents are ideologically backwards, I get that they're indulging in exploitation, but if I'm reading it right they aren't professional landlords or anything. They're still labourers and have one extra flat they're renting out. That's very near the bare minimum they need to provide comfortable lives to themselves and their children.

Today it's near unavoidable to have some money and not engage in some petit bourgeois behaviour, to an extent that doesn't necessarily make someone petit bourgeois. Keeping your money in a rented flat or shares in companies (as it would be in those pension funds) is participating in exploitation, but what are your alternatives? Keep it in the bank and the interest they'll give you is less than inflation. Buy a flat and keep it empty, now you're participating in the housing market the same way as landlords refusing to lower the rent. I suppose you could buy gold and hoard it somewhere.

Your parents aren't bad people for participating in the society they live in and neither are you for "profiting" off that. As for their ideological inclinations, people don't leave liberalism by being convinced. They see the conreadictions of capitalism and have someone explain what it is they saw and how it fits into the bigger picture. Watch out for that and you may make comrades out of them yet.

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