[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 1 points 21 minutes ago

I usually just write


Please delete my account and all data associated with this email in accordance with Article 17 of GDPR, I'm an EU citizen

Thanks x

I just assume if they haven't made it easy to delete your account by now then they never will but these are really good points that will hopefully make companies change their policies, especially since its all things that benefit them

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

Theres at least 4 websites in the megathread under the ROMs section that have a bunch of Switch games. 3 begin with N and 1 begins with Z. In the FAQ section of the Z website is where I got keys and firmware

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 5 points 3 days ago

Pretty sure its because of the piracy shield thingy. Secure Core might be an option as long as no Italian servers are used and you're using the VPNs DNS


“[A]ll parties in any capacity involved in the accessibility of illegally disseminated content – and therefore also, by way of example and not limitation – VPN and open DNS service providers, will have to execute the blocks requested by the Authority [AGCOM],” the notice read.

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 26 points 3 weeks ago

The "media network" is https://kinectivemedia.com/ and they have a link for US customers to opt out that leads to here https://uniteddigital.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_88OQmAbr20oeHn8 but of course you're going to want to also read Qualtrics privacy policy before using their services https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/

Clicking https://kinectivemedia.com/ privacy policy links to https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/customer-data-privacy-policy.html

They collect the usual stuff you use for travel like name, address, payment details, biometrics, I.D etc and also

Information collected in your use of our mobile application(s) includes, but is not limited to:

  • With your consent, your pinpointed physical location information from technologies like GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell tower proximity (geo-location tracking)
  • With your consent, while at or near certain airports in the U.S., your pinpointed physical location will be tracked continuously to provide you location-based offers, services and other information. For more information, see the Location Services FAQ located on the side menu of the United App;
  • Your domain name;
  • Device ID or alternative ID where required by the platform provider;
  • Electronic data concerning operating systems and computing devices/browser, including types;
  • Features you use and links you click;
  • Amount of time spent in the application;
  • Installs and uninstalls;
  • Transaction details and history.

We may combine this information with information that we already have collected about you.

We collect information about you from third parties. If you make a reservation through a travel agent, we will obtain your travel information from that agent. We may also obtain information about you from our marketing partners, advertisers and other third parties.

We primarily use your information, including personal information, to provide our services to you and to fulfill your requests. In certain circumstances, such as for advertising purposes, we combine your information with other information that we have about you, that is publicly available and/or that we have obtained from third parties (either individually or in the aggregate)

We also use your information for the following purposes:

For marketing and advertising. United uses your information, consistent with applicable law, individually, in the aggregate, and/or combined with demographic information that we maintain or collect from third parties, for marketing and advertising purposes (via email, direct mail, telephone, web or other electronic advertising) and to send you news and newsletters. Specifically, information that we collect about you may be used to send you email, direct mail, or telephone communications about offers from United, its partners or other third parties, that might be of interest to you (please see the section on Disclosing your information below and the section on Changing your marketing preferences below). We also use your information to determine appropriate advertising channels and venues and to place ads on such channels and venues, including placing advertising on social networking sites.

I'm sure the money they make from this will subsidies flight costs that will be passed on to the end user for cheaper flight!

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 29 points 1 month ago

Tbh I'm just so tired of it, my whole life I've been warned about this constantly, non stop, and nobody with any power does anything effective ever.

I do all my little environmentally friendly things and they're all just routine now. I rarely even bother to read about it anymore because its so depressing and I've been told lie after lie after lie that this policy will help and that regulation will be great and and these new laws will counteract it and then... Nothing, just right back to destroying this pale blue dot

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 53 points 1 month ago

He'd peel an orange in his pocket

He has two brains cells and they're both fighting for third place

He's a face like he's trying to eat an apple through a tennis racket

The tide wouldn't take her out

Scarlet for your mam for having you

Your arse is jealous of your mouth

Snipers dream


[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 29 points 2 months ago

This guy is a DRM developer and he experienced frequent crashes and instability after bypassing Denuvo so he's not going to be the next Empress unfortunately

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 34 points 3 months ago

Please no, not bigger! Its been months and I've only reached Wyrms Crossing this week! I have so many other games to play and not enough time to play them all

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 81 points 4 months ago
  • Less bloat ware/spy ware - custom ROMs don't come prepackaged with random shady games from shady companies or random shady social media apps from shady social media companies.

  • Better privacy and security implementations along with DeGoogling - a lot of ROMs offer Gappless ROMs which is really important since Google is way to big and has too much influence on android OEMs and its easily the biggest ad company in the world and constantly refused to respect peoples privacy. e.g GrapheneOS https://grapheneos.org/features and DivestOS https://divestos.org/

  • Long term software support to help against e-waste e.g LineageOS supports so many phones who's manufacturers have stopped supplying software updates. https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/

  • Customization e.g Crdroid includes loads of custom settings from a variety of other custom ROMs and OEM ROMs that rarely get implemented by any stock ROMs. https://crdroid.net/

  • Rooting android phones gives users the ability to access system files that they may not have been able to backup if the apps don't support it. It also allows for a full system backup and restore

  • It also allows users to block ads and unwated connections without using a local VPN e.g adaway

Enabling Google to dictate what a user can do with their own device by limiting features is a slippery slope and the last thing we want to happen is for Android to end up like iOS with its walled garden approach.

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 39 points 8 months ago

Jc141 on 1337x and LinuxRulez on torrminatorr have repacks specifically meant to work on linux. You just have to run their bash scripts and it auto decompresses the files and sets everything up for you. Make sure to follow jc141 setup guide on github to make sure you have all the dependencies installed. https://github.com/jc141x/jc141-bash/blob/master/setup/readme.md

For Fitgirl and Dodi repacks, Lutris is probably the easiest. I usually setup my folders similar to jc141. GameName with 2 subfolders called game and prefix. The game folder is my working directory and my prefix folder is my prefix directory. This allows me to have different wine prefixes for each game in case some games have extra dependencies that mess with other games. I point Lutris to the installer exe and run the install then afterwards I switch it to the game exe. I usually use WineGE instead of the default Lutris option for the prefixes.

For KaOsKrew, I use a windows VM with QEMU to unpack and use sftp to transfer the files because I haven't had any luck with getting their installer to work. I do the same with Fitgirl and Dodi repacks that have unarc errors during decompression. Then its just setting up with Lutris as normal.

You can also add non Steam games to Steam and make them use proton, I've only had to do this once with RE0, I couldn't get it to run any other way.

r/linuxcracksupport might be helpful and I think they have a matrix chat too.

[-] AnEilifintChorcra@sopuli.xyz 25 points 10 months ago

ProtonMail also guaranteed that "by default" it would not store any IP addresses that could be linked to users' email accounts.

They don't store IP addresses by default but when required to by law, they don't have a choice just like any other company would.

Bad OPSEC by the activist, Protons hands were tied

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