[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 2 points 4 hours ago

NY isn't that keen on progressive politics outside NYC. Long Island is an extremely populated part of NY and it's basically Trumpland and "moderates" out here, more Trump the more east you go. "Greater" NY is also pretty red aside from the larger cities. It doesn't really surprise me that much unfortunately :(

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 7 points 7 hours ago

Preaching to the choir, but I'm worried about the ignorant people that simply don't know that about him. All they see is an old bumbling feeble man vs a "strong man." :(

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 4 points 9 hours ago

Lol I KNEW HE WAS ALREADY DEAD!! That picture was taken in the cooler fridge where they keep his body in storage in-between sessions of weekend at Bernies style puppeteering.

I can't believe I have to vote for an actual corpse...

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 3 points 9 hours ago

I largely share your thoughts. I honestly expected Biden to at least be prepared enough to counter the usual Trump tactics of making things up and using strong words to impress his base while deflecting blame or critical questions.

He can't because he's 2637361873 years old and can't think fast enough to have actual replies. The rules of the debate were no notes and no communication with staff so Biden had to rely on what little working brain cells he has left to form responses and recall history. I also wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised to learn both him and Trump have been using stimulants, but only Biden stopped talking them for the debate since there was so much talking about that beforehand.

It was an absolute travesty that there was no fact checking from the completely useless moderators.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 9 points 9 hours ago

Unfortunately for a lot of us there isn't an exit strategy. No country worth moving to wants an almost 40 year old, single, uneducated, factory schmuck :/

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 8 points 9 hours ago

There's some stupid adherence to precedent where we don't primary an encumbant because in the past it didn't work out well. So now we shut our eyes and pretend he isn't absolutely one of the worst candidates ever because we refuse to primary him.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 3 points 10 hours ago

And the beatings will continue because money.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 6 points 10 hours ago

I think the "staying in the crappy place" pushes more people to accept fascists because they sing a tune of redemption, while the status quo still chokes you. Unfortunately that's never the right answer, but people aren't logical.

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 4 points 10 hours ago

I don't think it has been long enough to have gathered enough data on that. Just watching it myself I could clearly see a low information voter seeing Trump as a more fit choice as Biden struggled to even form sentences :(

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 8 points 10 hours ago

It was a goddamn travesty that there was no fact checking by the ~~button pushers~~ moderators.

Everything was allowed to stand as fact. It was disgusting :(

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 48 points 12 hours ago

We're so fucked it's absolutely insane.

I thought Trump had a chance before, but now... My god Biden embarrassed the shit out of himself... Fuck the goddamn DNC for condemning us by REFUSING to have primaries... Yeah it's the tradition because usually the incumbent has a chance, but 90472828 year old Biden? Ffs...

Yes Trump is old too but it was plain as day how much more lucid trump is than biden...

[-] Asafum@feddit.nl 25 points 14 hours ago

And in 2 years they'll move to 3 tiers, free with ads, paid with slightly less ads and even more expensive than before but no ads...

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