
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Any keyboard that supports qmk should work for this. You can enable mousekeys and there are also functions to toggle layers

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Are you trying to imply that the US doesn't already do this? They've overthrown democratically elected governments all over the latin americas (and other places, like hawaii) and imposed more fascist ones for access to their raw materials. Sure it's not exactly using loans to do that, but the real end-game is fascism anyways once markets are fully saturated and there are no more ways to generate capital.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Op, do you just hate fun? most of these are pretty cute or funny and just because they're not the most efficient design doesn't mean they're not allowed to exist?

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I'm no comic book expert but doesn't making spider-noir live action defeat the point of his whole aesthetic?

[–] 16 points 6 months ago

Gonna have to disagree here. The social aspect of it all is just as important of the medical aspect. While there are trans issues that are mostly medical in nature, there are equally trans issues that are more social in nature.

I'm not sure what contexts you've seen truscum being used in, but from what I know it's a term used for people who insist on a medical diagnosis in order to be trans. The problem with this, imo, is twofold. There's a long history of medical gatekeeping that enforced cisheteronormativity in order to get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, leaving out all other forms of self-identity (among a whole host of philosophical issues). And the second is just the lack of understanding and research of the broader medical community. Treatment guidelines are all over the place, often misguided, and usually inadequate to achieve the goals of the patient.

Truscum rhetoric often reinforces cisheteronormativity which is mostly antithetical to what being trans is about in the first place. That's not to say that the trans community doesn't struggle with medical diagnoses or that that's not important, but to use a diagnosis as the benchmark of what being trans is, is usually needlessly exclusionary.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Get your eyebrows shaped! They change the framing of your face so much and nobody ever talks about it.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

Nowhere was I trying to say that Britain didn't mistreat its colonies. Not sure where that came from.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I mean they're right that the US was founded by a bunch of religious extremists and rich fuckers who didn't want to pay taxes. For which we do in fact see the ramifications still to this day.

But to draw the conclusion that somehow it's a good thing and we need more of it in public life is pretty twisted.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the info, I didn't know that. Since voice training more/less got me to where I wanted to go, this isn't something that I researched all that well.

Thankfully this isn't an opinion I've shared at all outside of this thread, but I'll make sure not to contribute to the stigma going forward nonetheless.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Hbomberguy makes long videos yes, but he doesn't make six hours long videos. He still makes his points concise and presents them in interesting and entertaining ways. Only in his last video does he cross the threshold into 3 hours long videos, and in that one he even says, in the video, that there was an entire section that he wrote and edited and then cut out because it muddied the point of his video.

Maybe it's a question of where to draw the line, but I think hbomberguy is very much not the norm for long-form content creators. And I do not appreciate having long videos for the sake of having a video be long.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Maybe it's because I'm risk averse or maybe I'm just not as well read on it, but I do personally think it's generally riskier than other transition surgeries.

For vaginoplasty, even if the job is botched, you'll still be able to walk normally. FFS, you'll still be able to talk and eat and smell normally. Breast augmentation, you can still lift your arms normally. Plus since these three are the "main" options available, there's more people doing it and more people experienced in handling the complications.

For vocal surgery, if the job is botched, you can permanently damage your voice and not be able to shout. And even then it still takes a degree of voice training to get a good result (althought it does lower the bar). The relative rarity of the procedure also does not inspire me to take that kind of risk.

I'm open to being convinced that it's not as risky as I think it is, but I do think that it's a pretty risky option. Especially when you compare it to voice training on its own, which is way harder to fuck up. And voice training will get most people across the line.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (4 children)

I'm not trying to argue with your lived experiences here, but as a neurodivergent person myself, I don't think that judging intent is a meaningless endeavor. Yes, it can be messy and difficult, but I do find it worthwhile to examine writing from the perspective of what the author is trying to convince the audience of. I personally don't think that the answer is to just stop trying to interact or be understood by neurotypical people, because like it or not, we can't avoid neurotypical people in life. Yes, I do wish neurotypical people were more accomodating to neurodivergent people but I don't think being antagonistic is helpful. I think it's pretty unfair to say that because you don't like using intents, that everyone else needs to stop as well.

As for your point on the web of cause and effect, I think it's important to remember that there often isn't a clear cut path from A to Z. And people with different life experiences will come to different conclusions about whether A leads to C or B leads to C. If you want to communicate to others that A leads to Z, you need to thoroughly explain how you reached that conclusion rather than assuming that everyone knows that A leads to Z 100% of the time.

You say that our senses of empathy are flawed and limited but I also haven't gotten the impression that you're making any real effort to understand other people. I've tried to read your words several times over and each time it feels like you think you're absolutely right and everyone else is absolutely wrong. I don't understand half the things you've written and you never explain them or try to present other opinions. You bulldoze through everyone else and shut down when they ask you to slow down and explain where you came from.

To be clear here, I actually sympathize with a lot of the sentiments you've mentioned here. But just because I feel frustrated that someone does not see things exactly the same way I do, does not mean that I can automatically assume that they're wrong and evil and it's okay to be mean to them.


It's been a while since I've been on reddit so I thought I'd browse some of my old fav subs that haven't really migrated to lemmy. These are mostly queer subs along the line of r/actuallesbians and r/tgcj.

I noticed that these subs were suspiciously missing from my front page. There's still plenty of activity on these subs and they used to show up on my feed all the time, but now I can't find a single post on my page. I have to actually go out and manually open up the subs.

I know that Reddit kept queer subs out of the Reddit Recap a while back, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Either some background setting has changed and that's the reason I don't see my favorite subs anymore, or Reddit has just started cracking down on queer communities again. Either way, disgusting.

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