And what kind of UI should I like oh wise one, I'm not worthy of your wisdom, please tell me, I'm begging you!

There's plenty reason to shit on gnome, they took off in a direction and changed the whole look and feel, without any option to keep something like the gnome 2 layout.

The introduction of Gnome 3 scared me away, the initial version was garbage. I switched to XFce and MATE, and eventually ended up with Cinnamon.

They may have made it usable, but I still don't like the user interface.

Who uses Gnome these days? i have used the forks Cinnamon or MATE, since gnome shell was introduced.

It's great that there're so many good window managers to choose from.

Very unfortunate error code.

You drive in the garage and give the stolen car a new paint job, and then you are back to zero stars.

Was it GTA we were talking about or real life?

They probably spend more money on engineering and use better parts.

Fine! You keep using windows, we will keep using our shit ass OS.

Will GPT-7 then be a burntout startup founder?

[-] 70 points 3 months ago

The steam roller of inclusivity, accepting others and mutual respect.

[-] 75 points 5 months ago

Best time for a bot to reply.

[-] 52 points 7 months ago

Just wait for the cracked version, they often reduce the size while they are at it.

[-] 63 points 8 months ago

You can call me anything you like, as long as you don't call me early in the morning.

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