[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 1 points 1 day ago

"Smart people are saying don't vote Trump? That sounds like a huge endorsement to me!" -Average Voter.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 11 points 1 day ago

No. We voted, Biden won.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 118 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Ad block is NOT piracy. And use Ublock Origin.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 1 points 6 days ago

Doesn't Kasa phone home to China?

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 135 points 2 months ago

Biden shares many of my values and goals, but because he isn't perfectly aligned with my values and goals, I'm voting Trump, a man that shares NONE of my values and goals, as a protest. What could go wrong?

4k80 (midwest.social)

Hey everyone, I recently acquired the 4k77, 4k80, and 4k83. However, the 4k80 one looks grainy. 77 and 83 look clear in comparison. Did I just get a bad copy, or does 4k80 have issues?

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 82 points 4 months ago

Also Netflix: We should raise our prices again.


Has anyone got Home Assistant to work with an IP phone as a local voice control?

I have a Grandstream GXP 2140, and I cannot get it talking to HA for the functionality. It doesn't have the same settings as the Grandstream pots to IP Phone device from the article.


I have Whisper and Piper installed, and showing up under the Wyoming protocol. I have the IP Phone addon installed, but it never detects my phone.

Assist Widget (midwest.social)

Hey everyone, I've started playing around with Assist to use voice to kick off actions. However, I want to put an Assist widget on my Android home screen. The directions from HA say to open your widgets, go to Home Assistant, then long press the Assist widget. However, when I go to select a widget, there is no Assist widget available.

I have Assist setup and I can access it from the mobile app. But I would like a shortcut so I can quickly access it.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Or is the documentation out of date?

Phone: OnePlus 9, running Android 13.
Hopefully this isn't an OxygenOS issue.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 76 points 5 months ago

News reports have Reddit making the IPO push this year. Get ready for more DRAMA!

Sticks in Linux (midwest.social)

Hello Citizens! Has anyone tried Virpil and VKB flight sticks in Linux? Will the software run in Wine to configure the sticks? Looks like SC itself will run in Proton, so the next step is peripherals.

How about head tracking with TrackIR or Tobii?

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 115 points 6 months ago

Pay attention boys and girls, this is also what they want to do with over the air broadcasts with the ATSC 3.0 format.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 83 points 6 months ago

I may not know how the sausage is made, but I do know if it tastes good or not.

EVs are hard declares Auto Execs (www.businessinsider.com)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Banzai51@midwest.social to c/cars@midwest.social

We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!

Meanwhile, my Hybrid Maverick is backordered so long, they're asking people to switch to the gas only engine. But hey, this stuff doesn't sell.

Here's an idea, instead of only selling $80k+ EVs, sell some $25k ones.

CitCon and Pyro (midwest.social)

So if they don't release Pyro at CitizenCon, how far out can they say it will be released without being yet another 2018 announcement?

If they say sometime next year, count on at least 5 years. They really need to be CLOSE with the way they've hyped Pyro.

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 72 points 10 months ago

The big device manufacturers DON'T WANT INTEROPERABILITY. They want you nailed down to their ecosystem and hit you with planned obsolescence. Like most anything else in the economy, they want premium pricing. If you adopt open standards, then you're competing with everyone else but now on price. The majority of device makers don't want to do that. THAT is the problem with the smart home.

submitted 11 months ago by Banzai51@midwest.social to c/i2p@lemmy.world

So I installed i2p on a Linux Mint VM. I'm able to see i2p sites, but I'm also able to browse clearnet sites, which I thought would not work. Does the default Linux installer configure an exit node by default?

[-] Banzai51@midwest.social 85 points 11 months ago

"If you flag our lies, we'll cry!!!!" -Republicans

Meta's Threads.net (midwest.social)

Are we going to block Meta's Threads.net? I get it if people want to keep things open. However, Meta is a proven bad actor. They claim they didn't put in ActivityPub because it was too complicated to get it done at launch, and they can't get EU approval of their service because of the rampant and invasive data they gather. IMHO, they are going to attempt to muscle the fediverse out of the equation.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Banzai51@midwest.social to c/main@midwest.social

Noticed my memory usage steadily increasing when I leave my Lemmy tab open after interacting with everything. I'm using Firefox on Win10.

There is a GitHub issue on it here. If you're even slightly tech savvy, keep an eye on your memory usage and see if you can reproduce it. So far it looks like a Firefox/Lemmy issue on both Windows and Linux. But keep and eye out even if you don't use Firefox.

If you do run across it, please report it in the link above.

Edit: Forgot to add, the workaround is to close your Lemmy tab in Firefox, and wait for the memory use to be cleaned up (~20 seconds), then you can re-open it.

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