[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 5 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Have you thought of practicing a sport in a club / team? I find that it's a good way to focus on something else than my issues and it helps to socialize.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 2 points 1 day ago

Je suis pas sûr de comprendre pourquoi il veut échanger sa RX 6800 XT contre un PC avec une GTX 1080Ti, ce serait un sacré pas en arrière (sauf s'il l'a mit dans un PC moins bien haha)

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 5 points 1 day ago

I use Readeck which has a few extra features over Pocket and bookmarks: offline copy, sharable link to said copy, highlights, bookmarks collection and the ability to export saved articles to ebook. Oh and it's self-hostable.

Personnaly, I mostly use it to bookmark and highlight articles I have read, with some bookmarked to read later.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 2 points 2 days ago

Perez only out-qualified the Alpines in Q2 & Q3 and qualifed 0.8s behind Hamilton makes me wonder why he's still driving the second Red Bull.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 11 points 2 days ago

Ah yes, classic tech solutionism.

"No need to be frugal, the tech will evolve and fix the causes of climate change!"

We need a solution right now, not in a decade, dumb ass. So frugality is the answer.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/formula1@lemmy.world

Dear Axel,

We are writing to inform you of upcoming changes to F1 TV in France to ensure compliance with anti-tobacco advertising legislation in France and its territories. Live sessions for F1, F2, F3 and F1 Academy will still be available via F1 TV Pro. However, the following programs will no longer be available on F1 TV Pro from July 11, 2024:

  • Replays, summaries, and pre- and post-race shows for the entire 2024 season.

  • Archives of races from previous seasons.

  • All shows and documentaries such as Tech Talks, Jolyon Palmers Analysis and F1 Icons.

Due to these changes, we are offering you two options.

Option 1: Continue your subscription and renew at a reduced price.

As an annual subscriber, we offer you F1 TV free for 6 months, after which your subscription will automatically renew (in accordance with our terms of sale) at the new reduced price of 49.99 EUR. This means that you can continue to use F1 TV without paying any additional fees until your next renewal on May 9, 2025. Please note that this will take effect from your next renewal after July 11, 2024. The price of your annual subscription previous one was 64.99 EUR.

Option 2: Cancel your subscription  

If you are subscribed via our website, you can cancel your subscription via this link. You can also contact our customer service here.

Important : 

The next time you log in to F1 TV, a window will appear asking you to consent to these changes to maintain your subscription.   We understand that this change may cause inconvenience and we apologize for this.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.

Sincerely, The F1 TV team

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/formula1@lemmy.world

This is a screenshot from F1TV's Tech Talk, I believe this is the best size comparison I have seen since the reveal last Thursday.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/formula1@lemmy.world

Sources say that the decision to part ways with Ocon was not a response to the Monaco clash as his future has been under discussion for a while, however naturally, such an incident did not help.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/linux@programming.dev


I would like to test websites against old versions of WebKit (the engine powering Epiphany and Safari) and the obvious way to do it without needing a SaaS solution like Browserstack would be to install old versions of Epiphany.

My first idea was to look at Snap and Flapak (as that would prevent issues with mismatched dependencies) but neither offer any version other than the latest.

Does anybody have an idea?

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 104 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Soon we will have to call it GNU/systemd/Linux

  • IBM is registered as a sales company in Brazil, making its employees ineligible for benefits granted to tech workers.
  • Workers in the state of Minas Gerais won a lawsuit against the company to be recognized as IT employees.
  • Galvanized by the successful lawsuit, workers in another state are following suit, opening the possibility for a flood of legal action against IBM.
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/react@programming.dev

I stumbled upon this project on GitHub and figured it might be of interest to some people here

DuckDB as the New jq (www.pgrs.net)
[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 57 points 3 months ago

I would like it to be opt-out because years of Sync for Reddit taught me "orange is upvote, violet is down vote and red is hide" when using swipe to vote/hide.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 162 points 5 months ago

Someone should create a leaderboard of websites sharing data with the most "partners", this week I saw someone on Mastodon posting a screenshot of a website sharing to 1700+ third-parties.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 59 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Ahem https://killedbygoogle.com/

Edit: my tone was tongue in cheek, I hope Google will keep its promise, but you know, they did us a Stadia after all.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 154 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Well, the engineers say it themselves: nothing would prevent websites developers to prevent access from browsers that do not support this "Web DRM".

My biggest fear though is that it becomes a standard which all browsers will have to support to stay relevant. And with Google building the engine used by the vast majority of browsers, they can force this upon other browser engines (ie. Safari and Firefox).

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 69 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Well, yes but not easily: this API will indeed allow developers to more easily develop third-party clients for kbin, but I don't think it is a 1:1 reproduction of Lemmy's API, so it will require significant work for clients to support both Lemmy and kbin.

Also, do keep in mind that kbin and Lemmy do not have feature parity (like Boosting or following users which are kbin-only)

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