[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

Are you sure that a dinosaur laid a chicken egg? Or did a chicken hatch from a dinosaur egg? When does a dinosaur end being a dinosaur and begin being a chicken anyways?

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

He was Austrian, BTW.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

I do think it's worth the money however, especially since it allows you to cutomize your search results by white-/blacklisting sites and making certain sites rank higher or lower based on your direct feedback. Plus, I like their approach to openness and considerations on how to improve searching without bogging down the standard search.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 42 points 1 month ago

I think the main problem is that people try to shoehorn OOP mechanics into everything, leading to code that is hard to understand. Not to mention that this is basically encouraged by companies as well, to look "futuristic". A great example of this approach going horribly wrong is FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition.

OOP can be great to abstract complex concepts into a more human readable format, especially when it comes to states. But overall it should be used rarely, as it creates a giant code overhead, and only as far as actually needed.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 40 points 1 month ago

And insurances provide monetary compensation until you become a common liability, too high to be covered by any sort of fee. DDOS protection is just the same. It's only feasible if it happens rarely, like they usually happen. However if it's a common occurrence it will just eat up the profits made by the fees and then some, which just is stupid to do in any case.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Mostly because L4D was mainly Valve's work, showing off the tech they are capable of. Turtle Rock Studios might be a good studio, but what makes them different to Valve is that Valve is also sort of a R&D company as well.

If they had the same base as Valve, they might have created a great spiritual successor to L4D. Yet in the end they didn't focus on the technical side, most likely due to publicly traded companies often trying to cut corners on anything that isn't directly marketable, a downside that Valve does not have.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

Ignoring the shady practices of Brave Software, this doesn't really solve the problem. Sites will still use way too much scripting to be flashy, and that will continue to be a problem for everyone, because some of these sites willbe needed for some and will require all scripts to function properly.

What might help more in the long run is complain to the site owners that their site, despite you having an up to date browser, does not work on your phone. Sure, some of those complaints will fall on deaf ears, but even some changing means progress.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 27 points 4 months ago

Honestly it's pretty sad how Viruses changed from a sort of artform to just a money making scheme / espionage tools.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 22 points 4 months ago

Linus Torvals talk at the Aalto University. Specifically a segment where he talks about how hard it is to work with Nvidia when it comes to the Linux kernel.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

And it wasn't the goal to appease the community, but the shareholders.

They wouldn't understand why a new product isn't earning like gangbusters when it's a sequel to a live service game. They only see a flop that "has to leech off" the profits of its predecessors, making it a liability in the eyes of those people. They mostly care about short term profits, not long term strategies.

[-] Blemgo@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

You could also do the Overwatch thing and shut down the servers of the previous game so people either have to accept the new game or leave. Solves the problem in the eyes of the executives.

One thing I would say justifies a new game is when you want to resolve a problem that's ingrained in the existing content, making these changes fight with the majority of the game. A new iteration, a clean slate, can help with that a lot.

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