[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 14 points 1 week ago

The most recent funeral I attended, only the deceased's brother wore a suit, the rest of the family wore basically everyday clothes, as did 99% of the attendants. I left my suit jacket in the car because I felt overdressed.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

I disagree, it's annoying in general.

If I need to go around, say, a mail truck parked on the side of the road, the steering assist in our work van starts to rumble or shake or whatever it does. If there's construction, you guessed it, it doesn't understand that I have to cross over the line to continue driving, and if I have a turn signal on, the cop/worker directing traffic is going to expect me to go that way.

If a car is driving in the opposite direction and starts to ride/cross the double yellow lines, me moving over causes the vehicle to resist and fight me, potentially putting me into an accident because I didn't think to put my turn signal on in a split-second situation.

My car should not be able to, idk what word I'm looking for, override me? People need to take driving more seriously and stop handing off their responsibilities to a computer system/sensor that can not only fail, but also doesn't understand real world applications.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

They're illegal for road use in a lot of states, yes, but not private use. So in most states, if you need something for around your property, you're still allowed to buy one. Some states will let you register them for road use though.

The bigger issues are 1. To be imported, they have to be at least 25 years old, so the current ones are from the late 90s. Thus, they have the tech to go with it, limiting their speed.

And 2. They're built and designed for Japanese roads and regulations, not American ones. Speed limits are different there, and as you said, they're better for city use, I'd say non-highway use.

They're legal in my state, and I want one when I can afford one, but I'm also less than a mile from a major home improvement store, and the other two stores I would need to visit are within 20 minutes driving by backroads. But I'm a fringe case, but I'd say for most people who live reasonably close to a Lowes or whatever and are only going to use it for weekend projects would be perfect candidates for a kei truck.

Beyond that, yeah, they're limited :/

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 12 points 3 weeks ago

Kei trucks have the same, if not slightly bigger/smaller, bed size as a modern F-150. But they're basically the size of Honda Fits.

I've wanted one since I worked for USPS and learned to drive on the right side of a vehicle. My state does allow you to register them and drive them on the road, but alas, I cannot afford one. :(

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

I watched a family of three walk from the store to the literal last, furthest parking spot that they chose to park in (the lot had plenty of parking much closer) with their cart. They unloaded it into their Tesla, and then put it on the grass mound next to their spot, also next to the road, and drove away.

I get that some employees like being able to kill time getting the far, stray carts, but... Hooooo-ly shit I could smell the entitlement wafting off them when they walked by.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

Your whole comment is entitlement. If the vehicle in the passing lane is going the speed limit, or matching the speed of cars traveling in the other lane, then sure, you have an argument.

But if traffic in the center lane is moving at 70 mph, and the car in front of you is traveling at 75 mph in the passing lane, but you're doing 80+, guess what?!

You can flash your lights and use every blinker in your car that you want, you're reckless driving, traveling at speeds that are unsafe, and the cop that pulls you over isn't gonna give a flying fuck that you were in the passing lane.

And y'know how I can tell you view the passing lane as a personal camping lane? Because you never indicated that you, or the people flashing their lights/blinkers/horns/whatever, ever move back over. The left lane is not for camping, it's for passing and then merging back over.

No one needs to move more quickly because you feel the need for speed, or are late for who fucking cares. You wanna drive fast? Take your shitbox to a track and drive like an asshole to your hearts content.

So unless those lights you're flashing are red and blue with a siren, you can kiss my sweet, 5 mph-over-the-speed-limit driving ass.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 14 points 2 months ago

I used to feel this way, until I heard how predatory the loans actually are. One woman on John Oliver's segment about it was paying a little over $700/month towards her student loans. Of that, only about $70 of it was actually going towards the principle of the loan, the rest was interest.

Another woman had paid $90k over ten years on her $80k in loans, and still owed $70k. That is just absolute horseshit, no other loan that I know of operates that way outside of payday loans, which an education loan should absolutely not be.

If he can't get the debts forgiven, they should at least cap the interest at no more than 2% so people can actually pay them off. Or make them dischargeable through bankruptcy, but something has to give. Until John Oliver's segment, I didn't realize how bad things were for a lot of people, and while I have no student loan debt (GI Bill for me, fortunately), I still feel for them.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

the ukraine

It's just Ukraine, you Russian shill.

Slava Ukraini!

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

Dohhh, I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?!

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Just watched two videos last night from hikers who came across cougars or mountain lions. Both of them would back away from the animal, doing their best to never turn their head, shouting or talking to it telling it to leave them alone or "fuck off" as one guy kept repeating.

Cats are ambush hunters: they'll stalk you and attack when you've taken your eyes off them. The guy narrating the video even mentioned that once you've taken your eyes off the cat but it's still staring at you, instinctively it will attack because it has deemed you are now food. One of the videos showcased this, as the guy telling it to fuck off turned his head from a moment (literally) to make sure he wouldn't trip, and the camera goes back to the cat having covered a 20 ft distance in the blink of an eye, skidding to a halt because its "prey" was looking at it again. He ended up scaring it off with a rock.

This is why folks in places like Africa and India will wear those masks on the back of their heads with painted eyes and faces on them: big cats are much less likely to attack if they think they're being watched by their prey. It's nuts, and makes me glad they're not common in my neck of the woods. We just have black bears, mostly, and they're easier to scare off unless they've got cubs.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

I do this with my dog, haha. Anytime I come home with anything (groceries, tools, etc) I have to take each item out and at least show it to my dog (usually let him sniff it if it's not food).

Like, "Oooooh, look, mom got a hammer! OOOOOH, a hammer!" and she's just sniffing and wagging away, hahaha

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 15 points 4 months ago

I created a Lemmy account just to answer this...

2,000+ years ago a historian wrote a poem and now your mail carrier has to risk life and limb to deliver mail in blizzards/hurricanes/etc.

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