
joined 8 months ago
[–] 15 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And less time than her partner-in-crime, who went out of his way to show a complete lack of remorse and a strong willingness to reoffend, all whilst lying out his ass to basically everyone.

Honestly, SBF's antics probably helped make Ellison look like her role in this was much smaller than it actually was

[–] 20 points 1 week ago (4 children)

oh yeah she got two years’ jail for her part in stealing eleven fucking billion with a B dollars

A slap on the wrist compared to Sam Bankman-Fried's twenty-five years. Turns out working with the feds, admitting your guilt and knowing when to fold 'em are pretty important when karma finally catches up with you.

I mean, it’s the same company that didn’t realize that half its traffic was porn, so it’s on brand

Granted, Apple's banhammer forced Tumblr's hand on that front (though Tumblr's complete failure on moderation did give Apple that golden opportunity).

(The whole debacle did lead to Newgrounds getting hit by two separate waves of new users - a minor wave in November after the NSFW purges kicked in, then a major wave in December after the porn ban was officially announced. I have nothing more to add, I think it was pretty funny Tumblr shat the bed that hard)

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Mullenweg's the same guy who publicly harassed a random transwoman on Tumblr and had a general meltdown to the point where Tumblr staff had to distance himself from him, so I'm not shocked.

(That its Tumblr is the only thing that shocks me - you'd think he'd have realised its queer-friendly rep was one of the main things going for it)

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

a16z anime blog post

Two nukes weren't enough

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So you're saying that they've got books worth at least a grand which their owners are literally using to flaunt their wealth?

I'm legally obligated to say stealing is legally and morally wrong buuuuuuuut

This reminded me of that prediction I made w.r.t the "AI Doom" criti-hype (and touched on after SB 1047 popped up) back when OpenAI was gunning (heh) for DoD dollars.

Personally, I suspect that this might provide another case of "AI doom" becoming a double-edged sword for the AI industry. What can be dismissed as a simple error on their products' parts gets potentially a lot more problematic to deal with when a vocal minority is primed to find malice where none exists.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Pulling out a pretty solid Tweet @ai_shame showed me:


To pull out a point I've been hammering since Baldur Bjarnason talked about AI's public image, I fully anticipate tech's reputation cratering once the AI bubble bursts. Precisely how the public will view the tech industry at large in the aftermath I don't know, but I'd put good money on them being broadly hostile to it.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Ffs I just swapped to Proton for drive and email. Thankfully only done a couple of email migrations.

Its worse for me - I've got a metric shitload of emails on Proton. Thankfully, I'm not using them for anything particularly important.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Why do I get the feeling we're gonna see a colossal tech crash

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