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[–] 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

some people DO need a drug like this, but we all know that is NOT who is buying and using this.

This sounds kinda judgy to me.

And these are not the medications that they've started looking at to lower prices on. The Inflation Reduction Act had several pieces of it that are aimed at lowering the cost of several prescriptions, including insulin. There have been other bills created at lowering the costs of other drugs, such at the epipen. It's possible to address multiple problems at once. Just because we haven't solved pricing on all drugs doesn't mean we can't make progress on specific, overprice drugs.

[–] 17 points 5 days ago (4 children)

But these drugs target the self-control issues as well.

You aren't wrong that our food is shit, and that also needs to be addressed, however these drugs are a very useful and effective means of addressing the obesity problem. You are wrong to be judging who you think needs these drugs and who doesn't. If someone is obese and has been unable to control their weight for whatever reason, and these drugs work for them, then they need these drugs.

[–] 21 points 5 days ago (7 children)

~~He~~ She should just leave.

We need this in the US.

Suicide sucks, but let people make an informed decision, explain their rationale to their loved ones (if they want), and take the dignified way out. Having sat in a house, tasting the blood in the air from when my father-in-law took his life with a gun to end the pain of his cancer, I don't want anyone to have to go through that. It has been several years and our family still hasn't healed from that trauma - mostly because of the stigma, and my mother-in-law's request that we just tell everyone he died peacefully in his sleep.

I would have much rather given him a hug, shook his hand and thank him for being such a guiding presence in my life... and then know that his last moments on earth truly were peaceful, not violent and messy.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I used it after I was laid off 2 years ago and was able to find a new job after a little less than 3 months. Which sites do you have experience with that you'd recommend?

And to be clear, I found LinkedIn useful for job hunting... as a social media site it is horrible. Full of people who define themselves by their paychecks, salespeople who are just looking for someone to cold call, and 'self-made successful people' looking for success and validation.

[–] -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

~~Yes, it still stands... if Mossad is able to get to Hezbollah's leadership that completely, I think they are likely more than capable of doing the same with Hamas' leadership. ~~

See above comment

[–] -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

~~Shit, you're right... thanks, I've corrected it because my point still stands. ~~

See above comment.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And then if the initiative passes they can come back and say 'But the people clearly voted to require gerrymandering to favor the 2 largest parties'. Head I win, Tails you lose.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

But even still... they should just make it a regular clinic. Don't give it a funny name, don't put their name on it, don't do anything that will give ANYONE an uneasy feeling about using it when they are in need.

If a woman needs/wants and abortion, she's most likely gone through hell (no pun intended) making that decision. The last thing she needs is to see that her closest option is the 'Hail Satan Abortionarium' or feel that her situation is being used to score political points for some organization.

I fully support TST and all that they do... but this just feels a bit sleazy.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

30+ years ago McDonald's put in the automated fry hopper machines. This has nothing to do with minimum wage.

I'm also in favor of automating fast food, the fewer people handling my food the better. Let them hire maintenance workers instead of cooks.

The incredibly shitty plastic surgery?


Prompt___a ((realistic photo)) featuring a burrito-shaped ((rocket wearing a ((sombrero)))), orbiting the moon. The rocket should resemble a burrito, complete with tortilla texture, ((tortilla chip fins)), cheese sauce exhaust flames, and ((giant sombrero on top)), highly detailed, excitement and whimsy

“![](put image url in here)”


Prompt___a ((realistic photo)) featuring a burrito-shaped ((rocket wearing a ((sombrero)))), orbiting the moon. The rocket should resemble a burrito, complete with tortilla texture, ((tortilla chip fins)), cheese sauce exhaust flames, and ((giant sombrero on top)), highly detailed, excitement and whimsy

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