[-] Breath_Of_The_Snake@hexbear.net 4 points 15 hours ago

The entire video can be summed up as: they take the character of the mother according to in game lore. Could have been a single paragraph if they wanted to stretch it out.

[-] Breath_Of_The_Snake@hexbear.net 7 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

Is it really murder if they deserve it? Think for a moment if Hitler deserved it before he started enacting genocidal bullshit. Not even then? Was the line at the point where he had thugs in the street or only after he attained state power? There is a line somewhere, and I am curious as to where you think that line is. Because at a certain point a person is an existential threat to the marginalized and they must go away, as expediently as possible.

[-] Breath_Of_The_Snake@hexbear.net 2 points 20 hours ago

If you’re already into tides, which is great, you might enjoy “fall of civilizations” on YouTube. It’s about the lived experiences of those in the final days of a collapse. It has similarly high production value and vignette quality. Anything with Mike Duncan is also great.

If you can handle brain worms, there’s also that Italian guy that’s friends with Carlin. I quit more episodes than I finish, but his latest series on killing Mussolini has me tempted to give him a fair shake (again, there aren’t enough actual historians with podcasts so I keep coming back).

“The traitor baru cormorant” has a main character raised in a culture where polyamory is the norm. Great representation throughout the series, book 2(? It’s been a while) has solid nonbinary representation as well.

They know their readers have no idea what the name refers to and probably are just reading the headline + first paragraph if anything past that.

[-] Breath_Of_The_Snake@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

When you say CW everything what are the actual potential deal breakers? I wanna go in blind but that label makes me question the wisdom of such.

Ouch, sorry to hear that.

The Gaston song but it’s extolling revolutionary virtues instead of toxic masculinity

I thought people were exaggerating until I saw one for the first time. Literally laughed out loud. They are so fucking dumb.

Possible solution: fix mosquito netting to the screen and keep them open to avoid the bites and beat the heat.

It is a barbaric practice, but I center my criticism on the quakers (it was the oatmeal guy who popularized it in America iirc).

For a second I thought that the 76 part was the issue.

I doubt the ultra orthodox baby blowjob reference was the issue, that’s an American thing too iirc.

Maybe this person just needs to be taught to hate America properly? Everything they criticize is American.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Breath_Of_The_Snake@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

Awesome live set

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