"Bans ARs" but specifically exempts the Ruger Mini-14. π
That is a very cool project that I'd never heard of. Thanks for sharing!
I don't like this at all.
There's overlap because of Federal Elections. You can have one set of rules for State / County / City level elections and another set for Federal.
Tesla could have just dumped paperwork on a less busy area and said file all this shit.
I wondered about that myself but I'm not familiar with how Tesla dealerships operate, especially since it's Canada.
If I was this Judge I'd be requesting a 24x7 security detail from the US Marshals.
Well No Shit. Why would anyone want to buy into the hot mess we've got going right now?
but the sales numbers reported by some of the dealerships in question are nothing short of miraculous.
Eh, maybe. I appreciate your skepticism but as a former Sales Guy the ending of the iZEV program would have made sales, including fleet sales, pretty damn easy.
Let say you've had a company considering buying 50 EVs for their fleet and suddenly its in the news that the rebate program is ending. You now have 250,000 reasons to call the Dealership and get those vehicles under contract (Sale or Lease).
It works the other way around too. The Sales Schmuck from the dealership goes through his book of recent visitors to the dealership and calls them up. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the iZEV program is going to close down. So if you want to save $5,000 you should get down to the dealership right away." so the person who was interested runs down there and inks a deal.
Those scenarios aren't just plausible I've personally done them. The ending of a rebate program worth thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars is a powerful closing tool.
Also the sales numbers only appear "miraculous" if you assume that the transactions all happened in those two days when they almost certainly didn't. A couple hundred individuals buy cars in January meanwhile the phone is ringing off the hook with fleet sales and suddenly the paperwork is behind.
This looks and smells strongly of fraud.
Transport Canada has the paperwork, you can't file a rebate claim without it, so its just a matter of time until the truth comes out. If Tesla tried to defraud the Canadian Government then I hope they get crucified for it.
So I'm cruising through the rules surrounding Canada's iZEV program and contrary to all of the media coverage I can't find any requirement that the vehicle be "delivered".. It's even described on the official Transport Canada website as a "Point of Sale" program. Delivery at the time of sale doesn't seem to be a requirement.
Further if you look at the process, which also references this as a "Point of Sale or Lease" program, and the e-forms the end purchaser IS involved with this and consents to Transport Canada contacting them about their purchase.
The number of vehicles does seem high but only in the context of individuals however the iZEV program allows for Fleet Sales and some entities could claim up to 50 vehicles. Now all of a sudden what would need to be 8,000 individual sales could theoretically be as low as 160.
After reviewing the process and the forms it seems believable that Tesla slammed a bunch of legitimate sales into the system at the last minute. It's a LOT less believable that Tesla made up all of these sales as the documentation requirements mean they'd certainly be caught the minute anyone checked.
As a taxpayer I would like to know WTF the USAC is doing with 9 Billion dollars a year 'cuz were sure not seeing much of that investment.
I honestly can't figure out what Congress is doing with these kinds of programs. There's another one called BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment) that was created in 2021 that had yet to get a single household connected to the Internet as of September 2024 despite having already spent $20 BILLION dollars!
So for Fiscal Years 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 the US Federal Government according to official figures spent a combined total of 46 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS ((9x4)+20) and has nearly nothing to show for it.
Yeah, the courts needs to be looking into this.
Does Linux have a good alternative to ActiveDirectory?
Centralized IAM, managed updates, and all of the other "stuff" that AD does is available for at least some Linux distributions but it's not free to use, at least not commercially. You're going to be paying Red Hat, SUSE, etc for these kinds of features.
I have my smoke / CO detectors, KIdde Z-Wave units, tied to my Home Assistant setup. HA will push a notifier to my phone if the smoke or CO alarm goes off and it's able to track the battery life and let me know I need to change them before they start beeping.