[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 48 points 1 month ago

Me rn. Yeah I'm definitely here to contribute to a better future, not just wanting to look at shitposts on something other than the official Reddit app.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 55 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The best part is the dependency on the function is_odd.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 60 points 5 months ago

Tbf, the US tried the actor president twice, and they turned out to be the two worst presidents in modern US history, so it might not always be the best idea to elect the "outsider".

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 80 points 5 months ago

Is there not some unconstitutionality in making the language of a bill so restricted that it's clearly aimed at a single person?

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 78 points 5 months ago

As someone who does know about this field, and absolute despise Musk, that's not quite true. SpaceX is very successful thanks to help from the US government, and despite the influence of Musk, but also because they are a team of very competent people who have actually innovated and pushed the boundaries of launch vehicles. To say they have nothing going for them and are being propped up by the government is not at all accurate, and they have been much more succesful than traditional government contractors.


I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 58 points 6 months ago

This is putting heavy pressure on Tesla, Scandinavia is a huge market for them. And if the strike spreads to Germany, which it very well could, it could mean the cease of operation of the Model Y factory in Berlin, which would be devastating to them. I hope Musk manages to fuck up enough that he's ousted from day to day control of the company.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 40 points 8 months ago


Organise content in an intuitive and human way

Good meme overall but calling Twitter's layout intuitive is the most laughable I've ever heard. Would be better in the bottom left.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 59 points 8 months ago

Because he's arguing in bad faith. He's removing blame from the ease of access to guns in a disingenuous, JAQing off way.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 35 points 8 months ago

It's not really an age limit when you'll never reach it, it's just gradual criminalization.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 50 points 9 months ago

The only difference is the name of the emoji, the image itself is identical. There are also three Norwegian flag emojis for example, all identical.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 38 points 9 months ago

It's absolutely not helpless to change your habits. All our consumption is based on collective habits, and changing them will have an effect.

[-] Bumblefumble@lemm.ee 112 points 9 months ago

Thanks Bill, what a guy.


I love the filter settings you have, but it would be nice if I could for example mute a specific NSFW instance on one account while keeping it non muted on my ahem, alt account.

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