
joined 8 months ago

I remember trying to get a not-stupid description of things like AI accelerators and NPUs, if I understand correctly isn't it mostly "processes matrices of integers in less clock cycles?"

Someone gave the Emacs psychiatrist a god complex

[–] BurgersMcSlopshot@awful.systems 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Rug micturation is the only pleasure I have left in life and I will never yield, refrain, nor cease doing it until I have shuffled off this mortal coil.

[–] BurgersMcSlopshot@awful.systems 13 points 3 months ago

Pull a Rabbit AI and use Playwright to operate an Emacs instance running Eliza. Say that buying more infrastructure will yield better results. Pocket the money that was for supposed infrastructure investment. Profit!

My Jesus wanted characters for drawing borders and playing card suits, which is why He handed down to us Code Page 437. Using the upper 128 characters for things like vowels with funny marks on them is catholic heresy (nuts to Latin 1, down with Unicode).

[–] BurgersMcSlopshot@awful.systems 15 points 4 months ago (1 children)

snicker floppy dick drive

Oh, "major journey" is corporate-hack-speak for a complex process / workflow. At some point in the last few years someone decided to call them that. Basically this guy is saying, "I went to business school to learn how to use pretty words to fuck over labor while also gutting value from anything I touch."