[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I thought Lazudark was supposed to be Obsydia lol

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 6 hours ago

The soviets had no sense of fashion at all smh...

On a serious note, you'd think Belarus nowadays would be less keen on supporting Russia given their history.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 22 hours ago

Sorry, but no amount of context would ever make Wesley not annoying to me. I don't hate the character, I just don't like him, period. 🤷

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 day ago


I just always found him annoying and nothing much else.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com -3 points 1 day ago

Really? What's to like about him?

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 1 day ago

What a horrible day to have eyes.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 1 day ago

Stone Cold Steve Austin.


[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 2 days ago

I'll be continuing my unarmed only New Vegas playthrough. One punch manning bastards into piles of goop is incredibly satisfying, no joke.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 3 days ago

I'm surprised there aren't more FOSS touhou games, Zun himself is very open to the idea of derivative works, including paid ones.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago

Depends. If I don't need to wake up early usually around 1-2am.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 19 points 3 days ago

At this point I don't know which country is more ridiculous, Israel or North Korea. They're basically the same, a tiny pariah state barking loud at anyone that looks at them while getting support from a rich neighbor.

[-] Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 4 days ago

Uh-huh... I wonder what their definition of """terrorism""" is.

Alternative frontends? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/div0@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I just saw that FMHY got some new frontends for their users (Alexandrite, mlmym and Voyager) and I was wondering if there are any plans on doing something similar? Right now I'm using the default Alexandrite instance to access Lemmy, but I'd feel a lot safer not having to share my credentials with a third-party hosted by god knows who.

Alkaloid - Clusterfuck (www.youtube.com)

New Alkaloid single. Pretty good if you ask me 🤘

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