[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 61 points 2 weeks ago

Convicted Felon Fucking Demented Rapist Idiot.


[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 62 points 3 months ago

I personally know someone who totaled 4 cars before turning 18. He literally treated the gas as an on/off switch.

So people that bad at driving are out there.

Truth be told, drivers here in the US are TOTALLY untrained for the most part. My oldest is currently in driver's Ed and it is a joke, in regards to actually how to drive a car. I have spent a lot of time training him as I have a long history taking racing and advanced driving courses. I've held SCCA and FIA racing licenses and I have taken some courses that are usually reserved for police officers The only problem is I do not feel that I'm a very good teacher for him. But he has picked up some things, even if he isn't up for threshold or trail braking.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 69 points 3 months ago

That seems to be a desecration of the Bible. I wonder if "Christians" will even raise an eyebrow.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 54 points 4 months ago

Sorry for the serious answer.

He lost it during the D-Day invasion in France during World War II. He was on Juno Beach as he was in the Canadian army. If I recall correctly he was shot 6 times, but survived. One very tough man.

I got to meet him back in the eighties, when I was a teenager. He was a truly wonderful person and his death in 2005 made the world a lesser place.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 56 points 6 months ago

File a police report, then file an insurance claim and send the insurance company after the dumbass that removed the driveway.

The scam is the Gofuckme part of it. If her homeowners insurance doesn't cover this, then that is an insurance company to never deal with.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 33 points 6 months ago

If you flirt with an NPC or a dragon... You're making the DM either very uncomfortable, or you are turning him/her on.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

Televising that trial would be a huge mistake and it is unbelievable that any sane individual thinks it is a good idea.

Anyone following that fucking narcissist cannot be swayed by evidence. It is just an opportunity for him to say things that will incite his followers to violence, or what ever he wants them to do.

The trial needs to be conducted by the book and fully documented and not televised.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 94 points 8 months ago

Over 150 Major Incidents in a single month.

Formerly, I was on the Major Incident Response team for a national insurance company. IT Security has always been in their own ivory tower in every company I've worked for. But this company IT Security department was about the worst case I've ever seen up until that time and since.

They refused to file changes, or discuss any type of change control with the rest of IT. I get that Change Management is a bitch for the most of IT, but if you want to avoid major outages, file a fucking Change record and follow the approval process. The security directors would get some hair brained idea in a meeting in the morning and assign one of their barely competent techs to implement it that afternoon. They'd bring down what ever system they were fucking with. Then my team had to spend hours, usually after business hours, figuring out why a system, which had not seen a change control in two weeks, suddenly stopped working. Would security send someone to the MI meeting? Of course not. What would happen is, we would call the IT Security response team and ask if anything changed on their end. Suddenly 20 minutes later everything was back up and running. With the MI team not doing anything. We would try to talk to security and ask what they changed. They answered "nothing" every god damn time.

They got their asses handed to them when they brought down a billing system which brought in over $10 Billion (yes with a "B") a year and people could not pay their bills. That outage went straight to the CIO and even the CEO sat in on that call. All of the sudden there was a hard change freeze for a month and security was required to file changes in the common IT record system, which was ServiceNow at the time.

We went from 150 major outages (defined as having financial, or reputation impact to the company) in a single month to 4 or 5.

Fuck IT Security. It's a very important part of of every IT Department, but it is almost always filled with the most narcissistic incompetent asshats of the entire industry.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 91 points 8 months ago

My family watches several Youtube channels on the main HTPC. It had Chrome for them to use, as that is what the kids and my wife are familiar with from school/ work. Then this BS started. I use Firefox on my personal PC and have yet to have a problem.

So I dumped Chrome off of the HTPC.

It would be amusing if Chrome lost a ton of market share to Firefox and other browsers.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago


In Back to the Future, Marty traveled from 1985 to 1955.

If that movie was made today, Marty would travel back to 1993.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 60 points 9 months ago

He has a couple of very specific jobs for the Republicans.

  1. He's the token minority so that the GOP can point and say; "SEE WE'RE NOT RACIST, WE HAVE THIS GUY IN THE PRIMARY."

  2. He's moving the crazy line further out. He's saying more and more outlandish things, so that the other insane assholes that are running, seem positively nice in comparison. Even though, compared to actual sentiment of the public at large, they are beyond deranged.

I am sure this asshole is well paid by the GOP.

[-] Canopyflyer@lemmy.world 39 points 11 months ago

How do they plan to deal with all the ozone that will come off of those plasma speakers? I've made a plasma tweeter in the past and it sounded excellent, but the ozone it produced made it rather unhealthy to run for long periods of time.

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