
joined 2 years ago
[–] Carrot 3 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Depends on the meal, I do use the fats for gravy and sauces when the meal allows, but most of the time it's my morning bacon and eggs, where I'll fry the bacon, mop up half of the bacon grease, fry the eggs in the remaining grease, then mop up what's left with a paper towel.

[–] Carrot 5 points 4 hours ago

I used to only use Linux on old, outdated machines. They made it so that the computer was usable, but given the age it was still not a great experience. After Windows decided to bake ads into their OS, I installed Linux on my modern machine.

Everything is just faster. Windows/MacOS have so much overhead on every single action it's actually crazy. Like, just typing on the keyboard is faster. Opening folders is faster. I thought folders opened instantly in Windows, but they don't, it takes milliseconds more on Windows than Linux, and it's noticeable. It feels like the folder opens before I get done with my double click.

I am a pretty basic computer user, outside of software development (something that is objectively better on Linux) I only use a web browser and play games on Steam. I have yet to run into something that isn't a better experience on Linux than Windows.

[–] Carrot 1 points 5 hours ago

Yeah, my brother was having some work done in his apartment, and had an envelope of cash (8000 dollars, was saving up to buy a car in cash) in a drawer. Turns out one of the workers went through all his stuff, and took all the money. He's been fighting this for months, and has gotten 6000 back, but the guy says that's all he took. He's now going the route of legal action against the company that hired the guy. Will likely get the rest paid out by the company's insurance, but still. When I was renting I wouldn't get work done unless it was at a time I knew someone would be home.

[–] Carrot 3 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

Everyone says put it in a container and throw the container away, but I don't have a bunch of empty containers around that I can just throw away. My best method is to, while the oil is still warm and liquid, use a paper towel or two to soak up all the oil. Usually it's safe to toss this into the garbage as is, as it will cool down considerably, but if not, give it a few minutes before tossing in the garbage. I never wait for it to harden, and I've never melted a garbage bag before. Once there's only a little bit of oil left on the pan, an excessive amount of dawn and a good bit of scrubbing will trap the oil and make it safe to dump down the drain. If you aren't using that much cooking oils, you can also compost the oily paper towels, but I'd check with your local compost folks first to make sure they allow it, as too much cooking oil can ruin a compost pile.

[–] Carrot 7 points 1 day ago

This looks like everything was cooked via boiling

[–] Carrot 5 points 2 days ago (3 children)
[–] Carrot 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

12 year account here, but was accountless for many years before that. Pretty much a lurker on reddit. Here, I don't post much, but I've been trying to add to the conversation as much as possible. I find I get genuine responses from folks, even if we disagree with each other. By the time I left Reddit for the API changes, it had been either jokes, trolls or bots on the biggest subreddits for years, no real genuine discussion anymore.

Not to say it's perfect in the comments around here, but it's a lot better than reddit has been for like, 8+ years

[–] Carrot 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I guess what I'm saying is that the colloquial definition of "AI" hasn't changed with the rise of LLMs. "AI" has been used to mean "computers that can make decisions" for at least 20 years. I don't know if you play video games, but "AI" has been synonymous with "Bot" or "NPC" in that space for a long time now.

When I was in college, I took classes on Artificial Neural Networks, a good several years before LLMs were released to the public. While you wouldn't find it in a textbook, a lot of the students called ANNs "AI".

Hell, the term "Artificial General Intelligence" was coined in 2007 to replace "AI" for the definition you are using, since people had started using "AI" a lot looser. That was 18 years ago, long before LLMs.

I agree that the corporations calling their LLMs AI is misleading and manipulative, hell I even could agree that they shouldn't be allowed to, but let's not pretend that they have changed the definition of AI. That is fundamentally untrue.

[–] Carrot 1 points 3 days ago

I has, but it also has meant a computer "making decisions" for decades as well. I would know, I've been using it that way for 20 years, especially in the gaming space. Playing against bots that even remotely feel like a person is playing has been "playing against the AI"

Don't get me wrong, I agree that the marketing being done today is pretty aggregious, and the folks doing it are 100% being manipulative by using the term "AI" in their marketing, but I don't think they've used the term beyond a meaning it has already had for a long time.

[–] Carrot 6 points 3 days ago (11 children)

Words have meaning, and the meaning of those words change throughout time, cultures, and even niche circles. In a perfect world, we'd all explain the definition of a word that we are using, but we don't, and we rely on public consensus to determine the meaning of words. People are able to accept this for slang, but for some reason have a hard time accepting that it happens for normal words as well. People have been using AI to mean "any semblance of thought" in tech for a long time. When playing a game against a computer, people have been calling the computer player AI, even back when games were rudimentary.

Of course, I'm as big a hater of AI by the modern definition as anyone, I just think there are a lot of people dying on the hill of "words can't change" when it's a pretty crazy position to hold.

[–] Carrot 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This argument makes no sense to me because the rule that every letter of an acronym has to sound like it does in the start of it's word doesn't apply to other acronyms that people commonly use.

Laser - Light amplification by stimulated emition of radiation. Note that it is commonly pronounced lazer, but the word isn't pronounced ztimulated.

YOLO - You only live once. Note that "once" starts with a "w" sound, but YOLO ends in a ō sound.

SIM (as in SIM card) - subscriber identification module. Note that identification starts with the "eye" sound, but we don't pronounce it sīm.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point

[–] Carrot 9 points 1 week ago

If that's what you want why don't you start your own community instead of being a jerk on one you have no interest in?

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