I used to only use Linux on old, outdated machines. They made it so that the computer was usable, but given the age it was still not a great experience. After Windows decided to bake ads into their OS, I installed Linux on my modern machine.
Everything is just faster. Windows/MacOS have so much overhead on every single action it's actually crazy. Like, just typing on the keyboard is faster. Opening folders is faster. I thought folders opened instantly in Windows, but they don't, it takes milliseconds more on Windows than Linux, and it's noticeable. It feels like the folder opens before I get done with my double click.
I am a pretty basic computer user, outside of software development (something that is objectively better on Linux) I only use a web browser and play games on Steam. I have yet to run into something that isn't a better experience on Linux than Windows.
Depends on the meal, I do use the fats for gravy and sauces when the meal allows, but most of the time it's my morning bacon and eggs, where I'll fry the bacon, mop up half of the bacon grease, fry the eggs in the remaining grease, then mop up what's left with a paper towel.