
joined 4 weeks ago
[–] 3 points 7 hours ago

The commie one is mfw I see das capital is 3000 pages long (not counting IV)

[–] 5 points 13 hours ago

The apocalypse happened when Europe conquered the world. Hundreds of millions dead, thousands of cultures wiped out of existence and forgotten. Human misery in magnitutes never before possible. They invented a hell and dragged the whole world into it.

The apocalypse already happened, we're just living in the aftermath.

The question is stated underneath the title in the image. But yeah I think depending on how you explain the policy the answers would be more polarized

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

With that timeframe you might be better off watching nextdoor, craigslist, and Facebook for local gigs like yardwork and moving boxes and the like. Or posting yourself maybe. Had a friend making an extra few hundred a week helping people after work and on weekends with their lawns and housekeeping and whatnot.

Online stuff: surveys can be decent. Not good hourly rate but can fill in some cracks, maybe couple hundred bucks. Pays quickly to PayPal upon request.

Usertesting is a site I've never done but seen people potentially make a lot in their first couple months

Swagbucks is usually pennies but depending on offers you might be able to make a couple hundred bucks.

I'd keep checking dataannotation for approval, that'd be the highest hourly and instant payouts.

Mturk and clickworker (uhrs primarily) were my main sources of income at different times, but I haven't used them in a while. May take a while to approve and payout.

3playmedia seems to be hiring voice writers, not sure what the work entails but the company is legit. Used to be my main source of income for years doing regular captioning.

Other names I'm seeing in online work discussions: intellizoom, verbit, respondent, cloud connect, proxypics, alignerr, outlier.

Also various online CS jobs that don't pay great. Phone or chat. Depending on your certs some might pay better.

Focus groups can pay 200+ if you can find them.

Great answers in this thread already so I'll talk more generally:

When we try to understand the world by fitting it into conceptual boxes, we are necessarily reducing it to simpler, more digestible models. This process is a double edged sword in that it allows us to understand and communicate ideas about something that's otherwise infinitely complex, allows us to brush over a million other variables so we can focus on key ones of interest. But at the same time these models are not reality, variables are being ignored or de-emphasized, leading to potential inaccuracy (rather than merely imprecisions). Additionally, that human component is prone to being influenced by bias/ideology.

So in the multitude of concepts clustered around the word "materialism", some of them may ignore or de-emphasize variables that actually have meaningful influences, resulting in models that are too reductive and that might lead one to make choices that don't have the desired and expected outcomes.

Class reductionism is one you'll commonly read about in Marxist circles. Mechanistic materialism (as opposed to dialectical materialism) might be another. But as with most categories, the lines are fuzzy and sometimes arbitrary. Two people who ascribe to materialism might call each other vulgar materialists because they disagree on which variables to de-emphasize or where to draw the line between idea and material. Similarly among diamats and what constitutes base versus superstructure.


But also didn't most sites used to have an "over 13" check? Think I remember having to lie about that for gmail and Yahoo answers and the like

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Damn I'm gonna steal this

I like the way you describe it.

Better than the thesis/antithesis/synthesis model, which I think was a major roadblock in my attempts to actually understand hegel/marx.

Humans are literally primates, so he's accidentally admitting the inhumanity of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy

I think it's a good thing that someone in the fringe mainstream / manosphere knows the words dialectical materialism and vocally supports AES. Not gonna watch him tho

[–] 11 points 1 week ago

There's good bad and bad bad, sometimes which category a movie falls into is very mood and context based. Off the top of my head, Sound of Freedom was bad in a not enjoyable way, although I enjoyed podcasts discussing it.

There's also "incredulously bad", which are movies/shows that are terrible but have good ratings and reviews. Like you can't understand why they're generally considered good. West Wing is probably a good example of a show in this category.

One problem is arguably the worst thing a film can do is be forgettable, so I probably don't even remember the worst ones I've seen.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (3 children)

"Prison" is what I named this bottomless pit I found.

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