
joined 1 year ago
[–] 63 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Yeah, but you put a quarter in their shopping carts guys! What an organized and crime free society guys.

Their subway is super clean guys we can't compete with freedom like that guys.

Guys, Tucker said groceries are cheaper than America, guys. We've been duped into thinking life is OK guys. But also lowering prices in America is also communism guys. Russia has literally the least communist history guys, America is the real Marxist guys.

Trust me guys, American freedom has nothing on Ruzzian freedom guys. All of the benefits with literally 0 drawbacks guys, it's insane how little consequences there are to living in Ruzzia guys.

There's nothing more free than a brutally oppressive police state run by a dictator guys, it's the secret recipe for freedom guys. Trust me bro.

[–] 90 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (5 children)


Going after Google AND Visa?!

Even if it's all theatrics, the Justice department hasn't really showed up to work in recent memory and this is a refreshing change from the void abyss DOJ usually haunts

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Damn! at first I thought these were all underground and I thought it barely scratched the surface.

Then I saw the before picture and turns out those aren't tunnel entrances, but holes where warehouses used to be!

[–] 6 points 5 days ago

Feels inadequate but probably does a fair job of reducing the first drone's damage and keeping people alive

The logistics of caging all your vehicles must be an absolute nightmare though

[–] 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

More weird than strange if you ask me.

That fascist sure group is a really weird bunch!

[–] 35 points 5 days ago (2 children)

GOP//Facisim Playbook dictates that You ALWAYS accuse others of what you are guilty.

Every accusation is a confession.

[–] 6 points 6 days ago

Don't worry, they'll make them all suicide drones so it's not technically an army!

Flying precision bombs in private hands, a totally normal thing any business could reasonably expect to need and use for standard business operations.

If the founding fathers didn't want corporations to have suicide drones they would have mentioned it in the constitution /s

[–] 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Sadly, they didn't quite understand the instructions due to translation.

Only Death's cloak can impart invisibility on the wearer.

Wearing a cloak + death at the same time may be close, but ultimately does not have the same result as wearing Death's actual cloak as we can see.

[–] 43 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (10 children)

"boycotts don't work" lmao

The gaming community is incapable of executing an effective boycott because they cannot go 5 minutes without the thing they like. So they'll pre-order garbage, never learn their lesson, and complain the whole time while paying a premium, instead of exercising restraint and playing something else - like one of their 4,000 unplayed games in their bought library.

[–] 20 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Yeah, but I assume the entire plane isn't running the original 24 year old parts.

You can install new shit correctly, but if that shit was made by Boeing, then every time shit got replaced it likely got replaced with worse shit.

Eventually all the good Boeing shit gets replaced by okay shit and that gets maintained with mediocre shit.

Eventually some shit breaks and the backup shit is also shit so the shitty redundancies don't actually do shit because Boeing has been non-stop shitting for decades, and then all the shit finally hits the fan and that is currently where Boeing is at.

There's a ton of shit and a lot of fans, so we'll be seeing this same stories play out for a long time

[–] 36 points 1 week ago (1 children)

They're ensuring their money keeps flowing. This isn't about altruism - it's just their Greed incidentally benefits us.

ISPs are trying to mitigate exposure to lawsuits, prevent costly tracking and tracing responsibilities, and make sure customers can keep paying instead of losing their internet privileges (and their internet bills!)

That peasants like us find this favorable is an unintended bonus.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Fair enough, I assumed you gamed on both and stopped for PS5 because they made PSN mandatory and I somehow was unaware.

Can't justify a gaming PC when PS4 pro was pretty cheap and my gaming hours are not what they used to be

I can justify a not so new console every 5 or so years as they hit my value for money sweet spot, and reduced gaming hours due to life

But the upfront cost for a decent rig to replace consoles entirely is not what I want to use my money for (for now!)

Can't wait to finally make the jump though!


So my parents got scammed last night, fraud case is open but it's likely not gonna go anywhere and they'll be out 10K - they know better and now they really know better, and I'm hoping to get some advice on a repayment strategy.

They absolutely don't have that kind of money and repayment will take a while.

Plan one is just put it on the mortgage, but they're currently locked in at a lower rate for 2 more years, so adjusting that isn't ideal if it changes the rate. If not, adding 10K to mortgage is no brainer.

Line of credit does carry lower interests, but it will accrue daily, credit cards are high interest, but interest is racked up monthly.

Would it be possible/smart (assuming +10K credit card capacity) to move LoC debt to the credit card for 25 ish days a month to avoid daily LoC interest, and then send the debt back to LoC for 5ish days (transfer time) and have the credit card at $0 at the end of every month? No credit card interest and far less days for LoC debt to accrue interest?

Obviously there is risk in not having the credit card paid off in time, but would this strategy be viable if properly executed?

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