[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 7 points 3 hours ago

They don't have to be, the people following them are idiots.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 20 points 10 hours ago

I still remember being dissappointed by the US when Bush became president. Then horrified when Trump won. Now I'm just scared and depressed.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

There are plenty of great moments in the trilogy, but that one always gives me goosebumps.

This the moment the tide turns for Saruman, and by extension, Sauron.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

The campaign of the first one is pretty short (once you figured out good strategies for your people's survival).

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 28 points 1 day ago

Fascism is the logical endpoint of capitalism. Just look up the largest German companies, then what they did between 1933 and 1945.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The rich will be fine for a bit longer. But once economies collapse, even their money will be worthless. How long until their private security people realize who holds the real power?

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

From a world power to needing soldiers from North Korea to keep a war running. Russia has proven to be a joke of a country. Not a good one though.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago

You can strike out Blade. Just lost another director and is firmly stuck in development hell. Rumour has it Mahershala Ali has also rejected a script that had him be a side character in his own movie, as a mentor for a bunch of teenage vampire hunters.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Warm toilet seats are low-key the things I miss most since my visit to Japan in April.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 28 points 3 days ago

Yes, by Saruman who tried to create a new Mordor.

I get why it's not in the movies, but all the hobbits turning into absolute badasses after their homes are threatened was amazing to read.

[-] CitizenKong@lemmy.world 32 points 3 days ago

The Shire was unprotected. Sauron is not going to waltz up to one of the last Elven strongholds because someone speaks Mordor. But he might send a bunch of orcs when someone uses it in the middle of nowhere all of a sudden.

submitted 10 months ago by CitizenKong@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.ml

(Besides the movie being hilariously bad.) Halle Berry's face is massively deaged through the entire movie for no apparent reason. What's up with that?

So close... (lemmy.world)
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