[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 6 points 24 minutes ago

Australia is the biggest cuck of a nation in the world. Our defence budget is going to nascar to advertise to americans that they might lend australia their subs after we pay for them to build new ones... if the uk doesnt want them... in which case australia might get old uk subs.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 40 points 13 hours ago

After an extended period of deliberation, the judge said evidence collected from Mossack Fonseca's servers had not been gathered in line with due process and dropped all criminal charges against the defendants.

"they are guilty but we shouldn't have found out so we'll let them off scot free"

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 11 points 15 hours ago

I gave up on dating girls in my mid 20s and started dating Women and I never looked back.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 30 points 16 hours ago

Thanks you two. This really made me laugh.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 4 points 22 hours ago

"Capybara always ride single file to hide their numbers"

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 26 points 1 day ago

I congratulate all the draft dodgers on being able to save their lives. May they be able to return home soon.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 1 points 1 day ago

y and its red and green but I cant really tell what its sposed to be

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 16 points 1 day ago

Died shooting an arrow at the-pigs > than suicide

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago

Liberals don't exist. They are all just crypto fascists. Liberal ideology is self contradictory and always shifting because it is not real. It is just a disguise for people who want to say they are not fascists while doing fascist things.

Stacy Q Two of Hearts (www.youtube.com)

Yall should probably listen to more Stacy Q It is equal parts cringe lyrics and solid 90s electro-pop

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

I think if it was gonna happen the time was after the atacums strikes in Russian territory.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 40 points 1 day ago

I mean if I had a bunch of classified secrets I'd probably keep some of the worst ones in my pocket as a insurance policy. "if you come after me I'll let this one out" but considering how long this has taken Julian didn't keep anything worth his freedom.

[-] Commiejones@hexbear.net 37 points 2 days ago

This is him doing "better?" He's just as slurred and incoherent but angrier and faster


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Commiejones@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Just randomly came across this quest in my latest playthrough and its spectacular. If you are gonna do a Morrowind playthrough put this in your list but do yourself a favor and ditch the boots of blinding speed.


The tomato house is picking up speed. In the next week it'll get past the tipping point where it is producing more than we want to eat. The yellow ones have a really lemony flavor and the darker ones have a deep umami flavor to them.

The funny shaped one in the middle is a random cross breed that came up on its own in the garden last year. It will be the starting point for our personal breed they are really sweet, fleshy, and have a good crunch to them. There is only the one in the picture because I keep eating them as soon as they are ready.

First of the season (hexbear.net)

Just a little tigerella with some black opal basil. I'm waiting till the grow house is really popping before posting pictures of the whole thing.


This will be where we grow tomato's and basil this season.

Its probably 7m^2^ of growing area and over 2m in the center so I wont have to duck. We used recycled and natural (aka free) materials for the frame.

So it needs some trimming and I have to build a window but its 85% done. We'll lay down a layer of paper bags, steal a bit of soil from the garden where we've been burying our compost all winter and top it up with some hay and sheep poo. It'll have some shade cloth thrown over it in summer to keep things from cooking.

I'm really happy how its come together and I only got angry and had a fit like a dozen times during the process. Either I am getting better at building stuff or I am getting better at not freaking out and smacking the dirt with a hammer when the slightest thing goes wrong.

Cant wait!!! (hexbear.net)

This is a spiral broccoli (spiroccoli) it is not ready but I want to eat it. I will wait a few more days. Then in a week or 2 I will have so many of them I will have to give them away.

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