It's called, we do a little bit of trolling trump-moist

submitted 3 months ago by buh@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

I was eating my Count Chocula(TM) like a good patriot and next thing I knew the evil China dictator, Chairman Mao, was in my kitchen eating all my hard-earned American cereal! It's true! I asked him why he was stealing from me and he laughed and said "This is my food now lol" and then he farted on my bowl of Count Chocula (which was pretty impressive because it was on the table. He used his evil authoritarian magic to hover over my breakfast!!!)

I started crying and he slapped me. I cried harder and he rolled his eyes and patiently waited for me to get tired and stop.

"We're going to go on an adventure," he said, "Buckle up and get in my car" He then picked me up and threw me into his car which was a crappy Chinese car that didn't even speed up when it saw pedestrians (I don't even think it was subscribed to Tesla?!?)

We then drove all the way to China using a secret tunnel Mao had been forcing hard-working former landlords to dig, when I told him it was evil to force landlords to work he laughed and said "fuck landlords" and then when I told him I was a landlord he joked that I shouldn't call myself names (?)

We finally arrived at a city and I asked Mao where we were

"A Chinese ghost city." he said evilly and communistly.

"I heard about these Chinese cities that have no people. Truly a failure of communism" I mused out loud.

Mao laughed yet again and said, "No, stupid, those aren't real. This is called a ghost city because I bring dweebs here to be beaten up by the specter of communism."

Then the specter of communism ran out of one of the buildings and beat me up.

Please send the marines

Wokism is once again under attack (blogger.googleusercontent.com)
submitted 3 months ago by BigHaas@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

it tastes too plane


At first I was like heartbreaking but then I was like bruh

submitted 3 months ago by BigHaas@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

I don't care either way but if they are a cult I'd like to be included


I just hope you find me hot. 😎

Hey you (hexbear.net)

Yeah you. Stop that.

KoЯn (hexbear.net)

WTF, they have a Cyrillic letter in their name? Are they Putler-loving RuZZia sympathizers?

Their name is actually pronounced "Koyan", which sounds like Koran, so they're pro-Hamas too. KoЯn is kancelled rage-cry


Can someone please photoshop the owl into this?


-Posting GaGa (To the tune of Radio GaGa by Queen)

I'd sit alone, in dark mode light, My only friend through mid-twenty years

So dont become, some AI noise a fake image for all the girls and boys

who already know, or never cared and still complain when your not there

All we scroll is posting gaga, posting googoo posting gaga


submitted 3 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

I'm being oppressed!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by nothx@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

He rants to the priest about his failure to practice the revolutionary struggle and using his fascist Visa card to order pizza. But the priest is just an average conservative Catholic so he's just like jesse-wtf


But I have the marks of Capital all over my body from carrying this thing around

  • Treat-brained? Check.
  • Invasive KKKolonist species? Check.
  • Loves violence but pleads naivety when confronted? Check.
  • Should not be let outside for their safety and the safety of others? Check.

I don't make the rules, but facts are facts.

kitty-cri-screm qin-shi-huangdi-fireball



Tip your bartenders folks, I'll be here all week


She asked me “what do you like to do for fun” and I said “ever hear of Hexbear.net?” She just stared at me.

“Oh yeah well it’s like this really niche communist website. Actually ever hear of the podcast Chapo Trap House? So it started out as the subreddit for the podcast, but the podcast hated the subreddit actually, then we got banned for saying slaveowners should be killed. So then we were on discord for a while and then we moved to our own website where we had endless struggle sessions about China and John Kerry. Yeah it’s like this terminally online communist website for people who would be posting on Twitter or Reddit except they hate Twitter and Reddit so they post there. Also it’s communist. Did I mention I’m a communist?”

She called me a liberal and told me to read theory, then made me pay for her dinner for being a “PMC labor aristocrat cosplaying at revolution” before walking out on me. Sucks man. Then the waiter tried to redpill me on the manosphere.

submitted 3 months ago by BigHaas@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

you're either with us or against us. sus-soviet

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