
joined 2 months ago
[–] 72 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Yes, unfortunately. You can see a dozen versions of it, and sadly, it's not the only time he kissed her like that on national TV.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (72 children)

Maybe you don't want to hear that your chosen is a pedo. But seeing as you won't accept anything that didn't come directly from his mouth that we have video evidence of, I went with something you absolutely can't refute.

So now you're stuck defending incest, while I get to point out all the pedophile shit he did.

You know you don't have to debase yourself like this.

Really, is this guy worth it?

"Bloom said the Doe she had received multiple threats.[52]"

per the wiki. So we kind of do know why.

[–] 56 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (75 children)

Maybe you don't have kids, but parents don't talk about their children that way. It's not like she turned 18, and a switch went off in his brain and he decided he wanted to fuck his own daughter. This man took her to a party with Epstein. There's photos.

And just for the record, Alabama, it would be wrong even if he did wait til she was 18.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

The US had a 2x mortality rate of Canada. 6x higher compared to South Korea, 10x of Japan the first two years of Covid. Even going with the lowest number, about 500,000 Americans could have survived with even marginally competent leadership. One that might not have...

  1. Disbanded the Pandemic response team Obama set up.
  2. Undercut the messaging from the CDC because Trump couldn't handle Fauci having a higher approval rating than him.
  3. Spewed constant misinformation about everything from bleach, sunlight to ivermectin while professionals were desperately trying to do their job.
  4. Intentionally dragging his feet on the relief effort because someone told him that it was hitting the cities first and the Democrats would be most affected.
  5. Goddamn masks. All he had to do was go on TV and tell his little cultists to wear the damn things, and we could have prevented so much of the deaths that came from the original strain/Delta. (Not Omicron)

... Hitler killed less Americans than Trump did. That's just facts.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Are democrats the ones sending death threats to judges, prosecutors, jury members, children who were raped on Epstein's Island and now Army attendants? Hell, the parents of of the kids who were murdered at Sandy Hook had to deal with death threats and people accusing them of being crisis actors for a decade thanks to fuckers like Alex Jones.

It's telling that you found the need to defend this type of activity. It seems... unamerican. Cowardly.

Might be time for a long look in the mirror and ask yourself where you went wrong. You can still turn back.

Is this who you really want to be?

[–] 19 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

The last two months have been a goddamn rollercoaster.

It almost makes me wonder if we really are in a sim and someone is just pressing buttons to fuck with us and see what we do.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, but they got rid of those, didn't they? Elon is going full throttle in the OTHER direction. I mean, clearly one is worse than the other. I'm sure from a money perspective, it didn't make sense to shut down /The_Donald. Elon would LOVE to have that crowd.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I mean I agree, I didn't like what they were getting up to, that's why I'm here, but as bad as Twitter? Comon. Have you heard Elon lately?

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