[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 11 points 5 months ago

My mother was a registered nurse and has her head on fairly straight, but she worked with plenty of nutso people.

Being a part of the medical field does not automatically make you an expert in all things health related. In fact, it seems to give some of them a false sense of superiority.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 11 points 5 months ago

Get yourself a guy who looks like Aragorn but cooks like Samwise. 😍

They've both got heart.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 10 points 6 months ago

My partner has the best of both worlds - so called "agile" seating, and stern talks from HR if he works from home more than once a month or so (even if his direct manager is ok with it!).

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 9 points 7 months ago

I've said this, except you have a choice:

You can do retail, hospitality, or health services (eg cleaning hospitals, very basic patient support, anything that requires minimal training and won't do harm to any patient in their care).

I am a Service rep and my mum was a nurse, so we've both seen a lot of the worst of humanity. I think people need to extend more empathy to nurses and other medical staff - I understand for many patients, it's a horrible, scary situation, but these people are (generally) there to help and have to deal with a lot of awful stuff every single day.

More patience and empathy in general would make for a much better society.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 9 points 7 months ago

Makes me thankful for my work, even though it has its share of issues.

Part of our service training includes clarifying the problem with the customer, "so I'm clear, what you're saying is..".

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 8 points 9 months ago

USB & me: third times the charm!

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

My old manager once drew on my screen with his pen when pointing out something.

He would also leave his coffee cups on my desk including a nasty ring.

I was so glad when he left, and am even more glad to work from home where people can't draw on my damn monitor.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 10 points 10 months ago

May also be a little mum - barely more than a baby herself. They can apparently get pregnant very young!

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 10 points 10 months ago

We wanted them to take the boring jobs so we could devote our time to art and leisure, but instead they're creating art and we're still stuck in the boring jobs with no time or money for leisure. 😭

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 9 points 11 months ago

Ooh, can I provide some feedback as well?

It would be great to open websites in an external browser, but open images in the app.

Sync provides this, but I'm looking for reasons to choose Connect as my app, and this is a big one for me.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I understand that I got a magnificent deal on Reddit Sync - I think it was on sale at the time.

I was ready to happily drop $15 on the ad free, but this is more than double that.

[-] ComradeBunnie@aussie.zone 12 points 11 months ago

I didn't see the option at all last night. This morning the app updated, and now I see the remove ads option.


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