We should rise above all this before we all have a nervous breakdown.
OP said "unethical answers only".
What have the Romans ever done for us, eh?
God I fucking hope not.
Whoa whoa whoa. As a proud English man, I can't sit idly by and let you lay all the blame on the US! England is the reason for at least 80% of the problems, with the US only really coming along after we'd set the ticking time bomb
Get the fuck out with your American exceptionalism!
Its not just capitalism, it's human existence in general. Though its fair to say that capitalism has made almost every aspect of it worse.
Took delivery of a Pixel 9 last Thursday after 16 years of iPhones. Within an hour of delivery I had it on Graphene and after a few days of VEEEEERY steep learning curve I'm really enjoying using it.
I have absolutely no idea how any of the sandboxing stuff works, and could stand to have fewer notifications warning me what the system is doing, but overall it's pretty straightforward.
Relatable content.
I've lost a couple of podcasts to Spotify. Life goes on. I don't begrudge anyone wanting to earn money, but I won't support Spotify's practices.
There's such a wonderfully low barrier to entry these days that there'll soon be something else coming down the pipe.
No one can stop you ordering a huge steak and a glass of water.