[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 85 points 1 month ago

And best of all, they’re not even satanists. They just call themselves an edgy name

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 88 points 2 months ago

As a person with no diagnosis of any type, I too feel confused by people only having ‘a few’ interests and hobbies. If my time were not so finite, and I had the financial means, I’d be pursuing a lot of random things

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 31 points 3 months ago

Lawsuits for what? They never promised any customer that they would immediately deliver a working end product. As far as I can make out, they offer early access to an in-development product, with your purchase going toward funding development. It’s more akin to a donation with strings (access to the product).

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 27 points 5 months ago

Thank you for your cervix*

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 30 points 6 months ago

I disagree. You can both admit that the company makes one damn fine chicken sandwich and still not buy it because they support slave labour. Them supporting slave labour doesn’t make it a bad chicken sandwich, just as them making a damn good chicken sandwich doesn’t stop them from supporting slave labour. It’s the method that’s important, not the reason itself.

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 38 points 6 months ago

Which is precisely something anyone outside the US (or other countries without a functional social healthcare system) don’t understand. Nobody outside those places is as worried about their healthcare costs dragging them into debt. Which makes sense, considering there’s no reason why an ambulance should cost between 5 and 10 thousand dollars, or a drug having to cost 5000 times the production price, when it’s initial development was funded by US taxpayers.

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 123 points 6 months ago

It doesn’t actually need 130gb of updates, that’s the fun part. They probably only made a couple gigabytes of changes at most, just their shitty folder/packing structure requires downloading every single ‘unit’ of the game again because they made minor changes

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago

Because we’re the last of the old guard? I’m gen z, and honestly I still prefer emoticons, probably because I grew used to them before emoji

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 45 points 7 months ago

Ah yes, America, the land of freedom and of the free!

Freedom to be free from people you dislike, it seems…

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 24 points 9 months ago

I mean, it’s the half-assed draft that was announced a long time back, but still, better than nothing

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 45 points 9 months ago

Eh, I switched to Spotify last year (++, of course) and there’s a lot to be said in favour of the Spotify algorithm when it comes to music recommendations, as opposed to YouTube.

[-] DaDragon@kbin.social 23 points 1 year ago

This is going to become fediverse gold

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