[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 100 points 6 months ago

Cancel culture.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 104 points 7 months ago

That's how I look for broken mods too. Move half of them into a temp folder, launch the game. If it works, put half of the sorted out ones back. if it doesn't work, remove another half and try again.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 92 points 8 months ago

Tesla seems to be about to learn some hard lessons about workers rights in various EU countries. lol

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 104 points 8 months ago

The travesty is how many people are unable to say this out loud. Everyone is stuck in their black & white tribalism, making them blind for their own sides atrocities.
You can be pro Palestine and still condemn Hamas. You can be critical of the Israeli government and still grief for all the innocent Hamas victims. It's not actually that hard to be a decent human being.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 76 points 9 months ago

I remember when absolutely no one used https and then in a matter of a couple years things got really fast. Now you can easily browse with https required and only occasionally find the odd website that doesn't use it (mostly some internet relic). That was such a great transition when it happened though.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by DarkThoughts@kbin.social to c/starfield@lemmy.zip

I'm in my first NG+ run. I've skipped the story, thinking it makes sense to grind out the temples first until you've maxed your powers and equipment but after finding 14 temples Vlad does not give me any new locations anymore and there's still 10 of the powers at level 1. I found a planet that has anomalies, but no temple quest triggered there either. So, can you only upgrade a limited amount of powers per run? If there's only about 14 temples per run, then I would need almost twice as many runs than the ones needed to get the last armor, no?

Or is this just bugged and I'm basically stuck on that save?

Edit: Bigot mods love to censor me I guess.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 76 points 10 months ago

Afaik this (third party) investigation was started by Terren Tong, the CEO, who was not in this position as of this year and Madison left a couple years ago. I think on this part we can at least give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Linus position might be a very different matter though.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 142 points 10 months ago

Linux has its flaws, but so does Windows. And for me, the flaws in Windows became much more annoying than the ones in Linux. Game compatibility was the main factor that kept me backt from using it on a desktop, and that's a non issue nowadays.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 88 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

To be fair, GN provides excellent Chapter selection to encourage you to skip to whatever you want to know. You don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to. I'm more annoyed by them using those idiotic clickbait thumbnails. Complete no-go for me.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 92 points 10 months ago

Are we ignoring the PC as a platform?


Okay, disclaimer this is just a "not even 5 minutes in" type of thing at this point, but I wanted to start the complaining about a few things already. ;)
Also, I use it without an account at this point. I don't know if that affects any of the app features right now, besides the obvious ones to communicate & vote of course.

  • Compact mode thumbnails are microscopic in size. Thumbnail size is already a sore spot for me because most Reddit & Lemmy apps are also pretty bad in that regard (likely focusing more on the big cards, dunno), but this is by far the worst example I've seen. It's especially sad considering that the desktop kbin page is the polar opposite to this. In compact mode it actually fills the entire space out that is available to it.

  • Thumbnails also cannot be swapped to the left side.

  • I love that there's an option to have all comments collapsed. However, I'd like it if I manually collapse a comment again (if we talk about the top level one), that it does not collapse the entire thing, including the content, but goes back to its previous state. I assume this might've been a case of "afterwards it is already read so we don't need it" design choice, but I'd like to see an option where collapsing comments manually doesn't do that.

  • The "swipe left to go back" option does not seem to do anything, or I am misunderstanding how it is supposed to work?

  • After scrolling for even just a little bit the app starts to slow down significantly.

  • The Android icon could be improved instead of just being a small square in a circle (I believe that's like the stock default icon settings on the newer Android versions).

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 87 points 11 months ago

All the shills promised me and other doubters that something like this would never happen. I'm glad I lost all interest in Oculus the moment Facebook bought them.
Hopefully we'll see some solid info on the Deckard this year.

[-] DarkThoughts@kbin.social 154 points 11 months ago

That's a good way for me to never visit your website again. Honestly, this kinda sounds like the death of the internet if I'm being honest. This would transform it from a free medium into a full blown corporate dystopia. It's really scary to see the digital (corporate) development over the past couple decades. Would be really cool if we don't move further towards some cyberpunk like future where megacorps control everything.

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