[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 53 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Oh so some Republicans still quietly like freedom, got it.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 74 points 10 months ago

"Good faith" = corporations screwing you

"Bad faith" = you screwing corporations

There, I've simplified it.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago

As if there weren't enough money behind Activision-Blizzard, Microsoft is about to buy them. You might as well wish for the oceans to dry up.


[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago

I am so confused... this is being posted to lemmy.film. That's like walking into a 7-Eleven and asking if there's some place where you can buy a flavored ice drink.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 69 points 10 months ago

I don't understand PragerU... they put out all of this fascist propaganda, but they still have this video up on their YouTube channel that spells out in no uncertain terms that the cause of the civil war was slavery and the south's want to defend a "morally repugnant institution":


Is this just the one thing they keep out there to point at and say that they're "fair and balanced"?

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yeah, sure, bringing things back on prem where 90% of organizations do not have comparable resources in-house to manage and secure them, as opposed to leveraging a cloud provider and properly maintaining the shared responsibility model is going to "set us free".

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 88 points 11 months ago

But all the Musk bros told me he's a "free speech absolutist"

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

Isn't that just the progressive left? As far as I know we don't worship figureheads like the fascist right with their orange demigod.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Brave users remind me of Joe Rogan bros. I wonder what that Venn diagram looks like.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Bullshit that only true bullshitters can spew.

[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 55 points 11 months ago

Everyone's going to say No, and "just subscribe to the most active one", but if you're a 'Fediverse completionist' and want to ensure that there's not a single thing you miss anywhere at any time, then the answer is Yes.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@sh.itjust.works

Hello c/sysadmin, and welcome to the Patch Megathread! I'm editing this post and leaving it up as a single catch-all sticky post for patch days for the time being, since we're not seeing enough activity to warrant new threads IMO. If someone wants to help moderate / curate content and actively create new patch day posts, please let me know and I'll add you to the mod team.


This is the place to talk about the latest patches, updates, and releases. We put this thread into place to help gather all the information about this month's updates: What is fixed, what broke, what got released and should have been caught in QA, etc. We do this both to keep clutter out of the community, and provide a singular resource to read.


While this thread is timed to coincide with Microsoft's Patch Tuesday, feel free to discuss any patches, updates, and releases, regardless of the company or product.


Remember the rules of safe patching:

  • Deploy to a test/dev environment before prod.
  • Deploy to a pilot/test group before the whole org.
  • Have a plan to roll back if something doesn't work.
  • Test, test, and test!
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@discuss.tchncs.de

Hello c/sysadmin, and welcome to the Patch Megathread! I'm editing this post and leaving it up as a single catch-all sticky post for patch days for the time being, since we're not seeing enough activity to warrant new threads IMO. If someone wants to help moderate / curate content and actively create new patch day posts, please let me know and I'll add you to the mod team.


This is the place to talk about the latest patches, updates, and releases. We put this thread into place to help gather all the information about this month's updates: What is fixed, what broke, what got released and should have been caught in QA, etc. We do this both to keep clutter out of the community, and provide a singular resource to read.


While this thread is timed to coincide with Microsoft's Patch Tuesday, feel free to discuss any patches, updates, and releases, regardless of the company or product.


Remember the rules of safe patching:

  • Deploy to a test/dev environment before prod.
  • Deploy to a pilot/test group before the whole org.
  • Have a plan to roll back if something doesn't work.
  • Test, test, and test!
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@lemmy.ml

Hello c/sysadmin, and welcome to the Patch Megathread! I'm editing this post and leaving it up as a single catch-all sticky post for patch days for the time being, since we're not seeing enough activity to warrant new threads IMO. If someone wants to help moderate / curate content and actively create new patch day posts, please let me know and I'll add you to the mod team.


This is the place to talk about the latest patches, updates, and releases. We put this thread into place to help gather all the information about this month's updates: What is fixed, what broke, what got released and should have been caught in QA, etc. We do this both to keep clutter out of the community, and provide a singular resource to read.


While this thread is timed to coincide with Microsoft's Patch Tuesday, feel free to discuss any patches, updates, and releases, regardless of the company or product.


Remember the rules of safe patching:

  • Deploy to a test/dev environment before prod.
  • Deploy to a pilot/test group before the whole org.
  • Have a plan to roll back if something doesn't work.
  • Test, test, and test!
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world to c/sysadmin@lemmy.world

Hello c/sysadmin, and welcome to the Patch Megathread! I'm editing this post and leaving it up as a single catch-all sticky post for patch days for the time being, since we're not seeing enough activity to warrant new threads IMO. If someone wants to help moderate / curate content and actively create new patch day posts, please let me know and I'll add you to the mod team.


This is the place to talk about the latest patches, updates, and releases. We put this thread into place to help gather all the information about this month's updates: What is fixed, what broke, what got released and should have been caught in QA, etc. We do this both to keep clutter out of the community, and provide a singular resource to read.


While this thread is timed to coincide with Microsoft's Patch Tuesday, feel free to discuss any patches, updates, and releases, regardless of the company or product.


Remember the rules of safe patching:

  • Deploy to a test/dev environment before prod.
  • Deploy to a pilot/test group before the whole org.
  • Have a plan to roll back if something doesn't work.
  • Test, test, and test!
[-] DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago

If the question asked was "do you agree to the contract?" and the farmer answered "👍", then yeah I can see it. But if the question asked was "have you received the contract?", then this ruling is bullshit. Unfortunately the article doesn't have enough information either way.

test post (lemmy.world)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/104228

I setup this community specifically because of the time I've spent over the years browsing and relying on reddit.com/r/sysadmin for sources of information on tips/tricks, security exploits & patches, outages, and yes even the ranting about how our jobs all suck. (I like mine, for what it's worth.)

Come on down, ask questions, post what the sysadmin community needs to know about, or head in to get either sympathy or chastisement about why you haven't left your job yet. 🤣

Want to be a mod? Let me know!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/104228

I setup this community specifically because of the time I've spent over the years browsing and relying on reddit.com/r/sysadmin for sources of information on tips/tricks, security exploits & patches, outages, and yes even the ranting about how our jobs all suck. (I like mine, for what it's worth.)

Come on down, ask questions, post what the sysadmin community needs to know about, or head in to get either sympathy or chastisement about why you haven't left your job yet. 🤣

Want to be a mod? Let me know!


As the 2023 legislative session sputtered to a close, House Speaker Dean Plocher stood before a throng of reporters talking about what happened — including the failure to change ballot initiatives.

Republicans wanted to send a ballot item to voters that would raise the threshold to amend the state constitution from a simple majority to 57%. The Des Peres Republican said something that many in Missouri politics assumed all along: Making the constitution more difficult to amend was critical in stopping an initiative petition to expand abortion access in Missouri.

“We are pro-life,” Plocher said. “And if the Senate fails to take action on IP [initiative petition] reform, I think the Senate should be held accountable for allowing abortion to return to Missouri.”

Some Democrats, like House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, said Plocher was saying “the quiet part loud” about the motivations behind trying to get voters to approve a measure raising the constitutional amendment threshold. But in many respects, the proposal will have a far bigger impact than just stymying one potential initiative petition.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1163202

I setup this community specifically because of the time I've spent over the years browsing and relying on reddit.com/r/sysadmin for sources of information on tips/tricks, security exploits & patches, outages, and yes even the ranting about how our jobs all suck. (I like mine, for what it's worth.)

Come on down, ask questions, post what the sysadmin community needs to know about, or head in to get either sympathy or chastisement about why you haven't left your job yet. 🤣

Want to be a mod? Let me know!

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joined 1 year ago