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[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Perhaps you should actually read my initial comment. Or is that too difficult for you?

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago (4 children)

"Won't anyone think of the poor children?" If you don't want children to die in war, don't fucking start war.

Literally no possibility, huh? WTF do you think they sponsor Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis for? Why do they have a doomsday clock in Tehran literally counting down to Israel's destruction? Just for shits and giggles? But here's the bottom line: Neither you, nor any other ignorant Western leftist, has the right to demand that Israel takes that chance. That's exactly what Jewish self-determination (AKA Zionism) is all about.

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago

Tell me something: What have those UN peacekeepers been doing all this time? Are they there to protect Hezbollah so they can continue to fire rockets and missiles into Israel? Because they sure haven't been keeping the peace, and they also haven't enforced UN Resolution 1701. So get the fuck out and let Israel take care of business.

You know what's ironic? The past 60 years of conflict could possibly have been avoided if the UN held their ground back in 1967 when Egypt asked them to leave. They were actually doing their job back then and their decision to pack up and leave at Egypt's request was a major contributing factor to the Six-Day War. Seems almost as if they're biased against Israel, huh?

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago (3 children)

No. First of all, the Palestinian population has grown substantially since 1967. That alone is sufficient to disprove the genocide accusation. Second, blaming Israel for the plight of the Palestinian people ignores the fact that they have been governed by corrupt terrorist leaders who have done nothing to improve the lives of the people they govern because they have been single-mindedly focused on destroying Israel. Plus, it's pretty damn disrespectful to treat the Palestinian people as if they have no agency whatsoever and are just destined to be radicalized because of external forces.

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Your thought process is so ass-backwards it's mind-boggling.

Israel gets invaded by barbaric terrorists who butcher 1200 people and take 250 more hostage. The next day another terrorist organization operating in a different country begins launching rockets into Israel in sympathy. Both those organizations are sponsored by a repressive radical Islamist regime that has openly stated its genocidal intention towards Israel and Jews. So Israel does what ANY other country would do - it fights back. And you turn around and say, "Fighting back makes them look brutal, racist and hateful. It's no wonder people hate them."

How do you not see how fucked up this is?

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -2 points 5 days ago (6 children)

You don't understand the Middle East, do you? Strength and power is what leaders respect in the Middle East. They're not sending a message to Palestinian children, they're sending a message to Iran and its proxies.

Do you think Israel should just stand down and let Iran move in for the kill?

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

They didn't attack the UN. They fired on two UN positions after warning them to leave because Hezbollah was operating within 50m of the positions.

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago

LOL, do you actually think some random anti-Zionist Jew is an authority on the topic? Anti-Zionist Jews are the fringe minority. They are a fascinating phenomenon from a psychological perspective, but that's about it. They have a strong interest in separating Jews from Israel so their work amounts to nothing but propaganda.

Ancient Israel was not a myth. We have extensive archaeological evidence to prove it. And Zionism is directly connected to it. Before Zionism became a political movement, it was an element of Judaism. We have long prayed about a return to Jerusalem. The great irony is that Israel is actually a successful decolonization project because it resulted in a return of an indigenous population to their ancestral homeland.

Every ethnostate is unjustifiable and yet many of them exist. There are a dozen countries that are basically Muslim ethnostates. Jews have one.

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago (5 children)
[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago

Yes, it's a small fringe element.

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -3 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Kinda missed the point, didn't ya?

[–] DarthJon@lemmy.world -2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Oh my. So you want me to teach you all about Soviet antisemitism? No wonder there is so much hatred out there. So much bloody ignorance.

Don't fucking lecture me on what's antisemitic. Israel is the Jewish state and was the Jewish homeland long, long before Mohammed rode in and built his holy sites on top of the ruins of our temples. Since you have no knowledge of history, you might not even realize that Islam colonized the entire Middle East. But I guess brown people perpetrating colonization and imperialism doesn't fit your racial Marxist narrative, does it?

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