[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

It was better before people absolutely fucking insisted on scraping reddit posts to bring over here. Post after post after post of regurgitated bot posts, without a single comment, no engagement at all. Fun!


I can't reroll anything on my boots, so I'm hoping that I can roll for extra evade charges on something else like a helm or chest piece etc. Does anybody know if that's possible? I don't want to spend all the money and resources if it's not.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 33 points 9 months ago

I've not found anything I like more than Voyager. It has native apps for android and iOS, but I prefer the progressive web app version.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

Whatever the other person uses. Everyone uses something different and I raarely feel like convincing someone to switch to something new, much less helping them figure out how to do it. Of my circle of friends, it's least painful for me to just find out what they already use and install it myself.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 55 points 9 months ago

Class traitor.


I want to love the idea of a universal messaging app, but being on a waiting list with tens of thousands of other people for months has killed my excitement for it.

"1 more reply" (lemmy.world)

Does anyone else see "1 more reply" fairly often, but when you click it, the one more reply is not revealed?

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 55 points 9 months ago

I want LGBTQ+/Straight people to just shut up about it

That's nice. I just want to exist, without the growing fear of being attacked or murdered in the street.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Dick_Justice@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I don't know if this is a problem with the app, a problem with Lemmy in general, or if I'm just doing something to fuck things up which is most likely.

Quite often, I'll make a comment on Lemmy somewhere, and then the next time I go to make a comment, the text from my previous comment is already in the box and I have to delete it all to begin anew. Sometimes I get like an error message about it, sometimes I don't, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. It's a little unpredictable.

Does anyone know if this is a known issue, or if I'm doing something to cause it?

Edit: I added a pic of the error message. Interestingly, the error indicates that the app quit while I was typing, but that's never the actual case. I post and comment just fine, with no app failures. I just get this message the next time I open Voyager.


I'm not a big networking guy, so I'm not sure exactly the best way to ask this. My internet tends to drop out a lot, and I get disconnected. I'm wondering if there's an app out there that I can just put on on my laptop or phone and let it run in the background for like 24 hours to see exactly how many times my internet really gets disconnected during the day. I'd like to be able to contact my ISP and give actual information rather than guessing. Anyone know if such an app exists?

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

That would require empathy.


And if you do, what's best, killing every enemy in the dungeon, or just speed running to the boss?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Dick_Justice@lemmy.world to c/diablo@lemmy.world

I don't have it, and I'm just curious. Do you have to have the imbuments on your skill bar in order for them to apply to rain of arrows, or do you just have to have points in them?


Not Prime Video, rather the videos in item descriptions on the shopping pages. Anyone know a fix?

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 99 points 10 months ago

This is why I get so mad when people act like political opponents "just disagree with each other", and that we should all still be able to get along. These people won't be happy and won't stop until they're allowed to murder people like me in the streets just for being gay.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 44 points 10 months ago

Sidney Powell looks like a clown that ran out of makeup while getting into character

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 131 points 10 months ago

Why did I learn how to read?

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 53 points 10 months ago

Maybe stop charging twelve hundred dollars for a fucking phone.

submitted 10 months ago by Dick_Justice@lemmy.world to c/diablo@lemmy.world

I've read articles that say they do, however, flawless skulls provide +12 Life on kill, but no matter how many you have on, if you look at your stats, it still just says "Life on kill +12".

submitted 10 months ago by Dick_Justice@lemmy.world to c/diablo@lemmy.world

She's on Playstation 4. That's not normal, right?

submitted 10 months ago by Dick_Justice@lemmy.world to c/diablo@lemmy.world

Hey there... I notice that doing side quests earns renown. However, I thought you only had to do renown once? I'm seeing a lot of side quests that I already did on my eternal character. I have to do them again? Just confirming.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

aRe YoU a ToP oR A bOTToM??

Absolute strangers will ask you that the moment they find out you're gay.

[-] Dick_Justice@lemmy.world 33 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hear hear! The Jerboa app has been great, and @dessalines@lemmy.ml (hope I did that right) has worked hard on it for sure! Some of the posts about bugs and/or feature suggestions have been downright rude imho, so it's nice see them get their flowers, they deserve it! It's nice to see so many new app projects popping up too of course, but so far Jerboa has done great by me, and like others have mentioned, has really eased my transition from RIF. My thumb already instinctively taps on Jerboa now instead of RIF, LOL.

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