If we could ensure 100% compliance with a meta-blockade then I'd be for it.

However, that isn't going to happen and any instances that do federate with Meta will be the part of the Fediverse that exists to billions of people. Those instances will become the dominate instances on the Fediverse for people who want to get away from Meta but still access the Fediverse services. Lemmy, as it stands now, is only a few million people at most. We simply do not have the weight to throw around on this issue.

It is inevitable that commercial interests join the Fediverse and the conversation should be around how we deal with that inevitability rather than attempting to use de-federation as a tool to 'fix' every issue.

Easy Karma (sh.itjust.works)

You can also mail them a letter requesting your data and they have to honor it 🤣

I would not at all be surprised if the GDPR dictates a set time period to respond backed up by fines.


First, on behalf of @imaqtpie, @Seraph089 and myself, thank you all for choosing us to help run the community. We're all really excited about the possibilities of both this instance and of The Agora community. We're look forward to working with everyone to make this a great community. Feel free to reach out with any concerns or comments!

Ok, on to the announcement:

Today, I'm excited to share with you some pivotal updates set to streamline our interaction and decision-making processes within The Agora.

The first of these updates is about enhancing transparency. We have established a new and convenient way to track the outcomes of our community decisions. Simply visit this link: https://rentry.co/the_agora. This site will serve as the hub for all voting results, updated at the conclusion of each vote.

Next, let's discuss the changes regarding the use of our existing [Discussion] and [Vote] tags. To foster clarity and improved interaction, all new posts should now carry the [Discussion] tag.

Regarding the [Vote] tags, we're introducing a more structured approach here. Going forward, the [Vote]s will be initiated by the moderation team based on the week's [Discussion] posts and will be posted each Friday and run to the following Friday. This gives ample time for each of us to participate in the decision-making process. Once a vote concludes, the corresponding thread will be locked and the results promptly updated on our new voting results webpage.

For [Vote] posts, your vote should only be cast as a top-level comment. To streamline the process, we ask that you refrain from responding to other votes in the same thread or making non-voting comments. Each [Vote] post will contain details on how to format your comments, and our moderation team will be available to ensure all comments are formatted correctly before the final vote count is tallied.

This is by no means the final process and we're depending on your feedback and discussion to keep improving things going forward.

We understand the concerns about vote manipulation and the discussions around alternate voting methods (like ranked choice). Use this thread to discuss the changes and any concerns or suggestions that you have.

As of now, the tentative plan is to run with this for the first week, see how many issues exist that require voting, generate the vote threads, complete a round of votes and then iterate on the process once we can all see what works and what doesn't work so well.

You're totally getting banned from c/conservative as soon as they figure out how to use Lemmy.


I have some interesting NSFW images ready to go, do you?

I'm familiar with the Paradox of Tolerance and its propensity to be wielded like a cudgel when someone wants to be intolerant of an idea.

Who gets to decide which ideas are the bad kind of intolerance and which are the good kind of intolerance?

I say we should be intolerant of people who use force to spread their message. I say we should be intolerant of people who would shut down a conversation over a disagreement.

We absolutely should not federate with instances who allow for the promotion of violence or other kinds of direct action against groups of people. If Exploding Heads allows that then I agree we should de-federate. From what I can see it's your standard right-wing instance. I disagree with a lot of opinions expressed there but I can handle blocking people and filtering my own reality. I don't need someone else to do it for me.

[-] Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Harmful ideas should not be platformed

I think that this is a harmful idea and the moderation team should ban you for it.

See how that can get out of hand? Who gets to decide what is a harmful idea?

I certainly wouldn't trust you to do it. Would you trust me to do it?

Don't de-federate unless they're allowing the planning of violence, CSAM material, or actual abuse.

As a leftist I see it like this:

Blocking someone is: "I don't want to see this"

De-federating is: "I don't want you to see this"

Blocking someone is: Ignoring a person saying bigoted things.

De-federating is: Jailing a person saying bigoted things.

If you can't handle people saying shit you don't like then you need thicker skin. If you can't engage in a conversation with a person who shares an opinion that you fine distasteful then you need to seek maturity.

If you can't disagree with someone without physically attacking them, then you don't deserve to be part of a community. If you can't exist without abusing another person, then you don't deserve to be part of a community.

His suggestion is not a bad one. You're clearly after a more heavily moderated experience, that's what Beehaw provides.

Your reply is basically 'if you disagree with me you're a racist', that's not a way to have a conversation of mutual respect. You're not earning any points by attacking people who disagree with you.

[-] Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


I don't like how r/conservative handles their moderation but I don't think their subreddit should be nuked.

But things like Men Going Their Own Way, and The Donald or any other subreddits promoting violence and direct hate deserve removal (or de-federation). De-federation should be used as a tool of last resort. For places who are turning to actual violence or outright hatred.

I cannot stress how strongly I disagree with exploding-head's stance on Trans rights and racism but if someone has an odious opinion on gender affirming care or trans athletes then they should be met by people who counter their ideas. Simply cutting them off into isolation provides zero chance of changing their minds.

I understand that some people have no interest in debating people who disagree with them, and that is entirely ok. Block any community or poster that you find offensive but defederation is not something that should be used regularly.

Serious question: What is the alternative to open registration? Invite-only? What is the expectation?

Seems a bit kneejerk to defederate, that's employing the nuclear option as the first step. It doesn't leave a lot of room for dialog.

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