I’ll note that he didn’t win a majority, just a larger majority than Harris. This win was narrower than his first one iirc, the swing state bullshit just made it seem more dramatic
Cause it’s the teacher making this decision, riiiiiiight
My new favorite conspiracy theory
Gone to kiss the ring more like
Correlation may not equal causation, but causation equals causation, and social media has caused enough documented strife among young people to make me question who bankrolled this research group.
Nuclear pandemic initiated martial law iirc
I’ve never played the game you’re talking about, but I’ve played similar ones. The idea is usually for you to experiment with different combinations over different play throughs to find powerful builds that match your play style. There are likely many potent builds, but the idea is to find the one that gels the most with how you play the game. Hope that helps!
Hahahahaha I meant for the statistics, but I appreciate ya!
Sounds like we should optimize that.
My unpopular opinion is I don’t mind the tie ins (mostly). I remember being a kid and wanting all my favorite characters to have cards, so I’d feel bad yucking someone else’s yum just because I don’t care for a particular franchise. That being said I’m also a bit confused, op. Standards still exists. This feels like you’re saying “I don’t like Super Mario Advanced 3, because Mario Bros isn’t as good a game as Super Mario Bros 3.” Though if you said any of the following I’d agree: Wizards focuses too much on commander; changing standard rotation rules wasn’t the best idea; the last few standard sets have had somewhat ridiculous themes; using standard design space to print cards targeting commander players might muddy the standard card pool.