[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

This is perfect!! Thank you for this, I was laughing!!

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

I prefer Lemmy because it's more like the *R site....whereas Mastadon is the little Blue Bird site. I like having a discourse with others in a single page thread.

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Wait Hol'Up...."Keystroke Patterns"...??? Does that mean it is harvesting my password manager master password???

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

I have been using 1Password for a few years now, coming from LastPass before the whole bait-and-switch thing they did. I love 1Password, but I am curious how it stacks up to BitWarden since everyone in this thread keeps mentioning them.

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

My buddies son works there and hates to make the Cheesy Gordita Crunch because of the layers...


"But....but Darth Vader can't be Luke's real father, can he? Is Daddy Darth Vader????" :)


My kid is half Japanese and wanted to see Shohei Ohtani and the Angels. He is definitely half American!! :)


I took my 6 year old son to see the Angels vs Rockies and he went down to the dugout area and got a ball signed by Shohei Ohtani! My son is half Japanese so this is huge for him!

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Basically, you need a Dungeon Master who will be the story teller. This person is responsible for setting the stage for the story and guiding the adventurers through their quest. The DM also sets up the encounters with monsters. The DM must know each monster, the Hit Points, the Attack Power, special moves, etc for each monster.

The adventures will listen to the opening sequence of the story by the DM and then they will make decisions on what to do next. The DM will guide the players to what they "should" do, but the DM doesn't "force" them to do anything.

The DM must be able to think on their toes, for players will always try to do something the DM didn't think of...they must be able to quickly act on a situation. Speaking of quickly act, the DM can take their time to figure out what to say next, just don't take like 10-15 minutes, or everyone will get bored.

For the players, try to stick to the story as much as you can, don't go running off and trying to fuck chickens (yes I had a player who wanted to do that all the time).

The players must keep track of their health, inventory and skills. They must know how and when to use certain skills.

I could go on and on, but I see others are commenting now and probably discouraging based on your question, so I will keep this short and hope this is what you are looking for.

Oh, and HAVE FUN, that is the most important part!

[-] DonnieNarco@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

I feel the same way. I was supposedly diagnosed back when I was 6 (I'm 42 now), but it's hard for me to get meds anymore because every doc wants me to get another diagnosis and I won't do that. I am the same way when it comes to intelligence and doing stuff but then get bored quickly. I also pick up on new jobs very quickly and usually surprise the boss. All I can say is, I understand and hopefully ADHD gets more attention and stops being looked at as a fake disorder to get stimulants....


I am looking for a cool Logo and Banner, so if anyone wants to offer one up, I would appreciate that!

Doesn't need to be anything fancy, but must be unique and copyright free.

Needs to fit the dimensions of Lemmy.world so please keep that in mind.

Thank you!

Welcome all Dads! (lemmy.world)

I wanted to create a Fediverse version of my favorite Dad Groups on other Social Media sites.

I encourage all of you to post pictures and talk about your lives...good, bad, everything in between. This group is for YOU, not me.

I am looking for a cool Logo and Banner, so if anyone wants to offer one up, I would appreciate that!

Have fun, obey the rules and let's chat, Dads!


joined 1 year ago