[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 56 points 2 days ago

Well he's in a bind honestly, going by the people I know that profess to like Trump. They want imaginary stupid things that can't be said out loud without being obviously stupid or contradictory.

Like, he wants to run as anti-war, and also oppose a cease fire in Gaza? He wants credit for Afghanistan but not to accept that losing a war means an embarrassing retreat. He wants to support the Jan 6th people but also not get yelled at for being supportive of overthrowing the government. He's gonna end the war in Ukraine before he even comes in, but the terms Putin is asking for are unacceptable?

You have to keep banging on about immigrants because if you get concrete about anything else someone might notice that it makes no fucking sense.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 49 points 2 days ago

I liked them fighting about golf.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 20 points 2 days ago

Yeah on r/trueanon there's a lot of speculation that the debate happened so early so that everyone could adjust to the idea that he's being replaced at a brokered convention.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 41 points 2 days ago

Actually folks on r/politics seem to be coming to the consensus that actually they didn't like him this whole time and isn't it weird how this old man shuffled into the nomination by himself with no warning. Genuinely bizarre.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 45 points 2 days ago

I poked into r/politics to see what was up and there's a bunch of libs wondering how this old guy snuck in and became the nominee somehow, and how whoever did that should be fired. It's really weird to see the about face, I thought he was a phenomenal candidate with a sterling record last week.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 15 points 4 days ago

I was curious. I'll be at work but I could listen in if there was something I think.

I heard the American Prestige folks are hosting a watch stream.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Doubledee@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

An upbeat pop rock song about capitalist alienation? Satan? Falsetto? Hell yeah.


Hey folks, this is probably silly but I'm taking suggestions as to how to handle a situation I'm in now. My bill for internet has gone up like 50 dollars in the last few months between the promotional deal expiring and the affordable connection subsidy going away. So I called a competitor to see about changing service. I wasn't able to shop services online because something was wrong with my address, so phone call it had to be.

It took like an hour and they have to come out to see whether I can actually get service still. But they tentatively signed me up for service so I got an email a couple hours after the call.

They have me being billed for a landline.

It's still cheaper than I'm currently paying but I'm absolutely not going to use a landline. So I'm in a bind.

Do I call them back and try to out-talk a sales rep to get them to just sell me internet?

Should I go to the physical store location in my city and talk with them in person? We still don't even know if I'll be able to get service, would that be a waste of everyone's time?

Should I wait and resolve it after the 'can you get service' question is resolved, or will that make changing it more painful?

Some other thing I'm not thinking about?

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 55 points 3 months ago

Good. They're afraid and have no counterargument. Scare them Comrade.

submitted 3 months ago by Doubledee@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Marg bar Amerikkka

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 72 points 4 months ago

I guess they didn't need to make the main protagonist a white dude

Max is more a point of view character than a hero per se. It's really Furiosa's story, he has an arc but he's more there to witness their struggle than to upstage anyone. In my opinion at least.

submitted 4 months ago by Doubledee@hexbear.net to c/ttrpg@hexbear.net

Hey, so I'm hosting a campaign of Comrades and next session I'm thinking of having the party on site when a spontaneous strike starts. For context the setting is homebrew, WWI ish with fantasy elements. Obviously they can participate in organizing the workers and talking with people who attempt to intimidate or buy off the strikers but I'd like to have a few more tricks and nudges on standby to keep things going just in case. Any suggestions? Currently I've got "dealing with potential police actions" and "the company sends Pinkertons/infiltrators" but I'd appreciate your thoughts.

submitted 5 months ago by Doubledee@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

My child's library book coming in with an inspiring image for the community.


[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 69 points 8 months ago

There's a tendency for video game thought with things like this. The conflict doesn't have to end in a military confrontation where the blue units kill all the red ones. Vietnam didn't really directly beat America in the field, they won by being tenacious and sticking it out beyond the occupation's patience.

The entity has to exterminate its opposition to 'win'. Palestinians just have to resist until they give up. It's kinda trite and there is a real risk that things get very bad, I won't deny that, but only one side needs a total victory here. Any occupier who throws in the towel and goes back home, anyone who decides not to come because of the risk, any negotiation, these are all victories for a resistance movement.

And things unravel in ways we don't anticipate. Things look impossible until they don't.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 67 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The enshitification of all things is so frustrating. You witness perfectly useful technology being destroyed in the pursuit of like 5 dollars. I don't answer the phone unless I've told someone to call me because it's always a robot, my email inbox is full of garbage I didn't ask for so I don't check in much, now they've got robots texting me scams. I can't even pay for petrol in peace, because they make a nickel having a tiny television try to sell me an energy drink. And nothing is done because heaven forefend that anything should come in the way of an extra .02% increase in some asshole's quarterly report.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 61 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

In my experience alt right folks are pretty anti China, to the point where that is often the reason they oppose the Ukraine war, as it is dividing the attention of the Christian west from the rising, menacing Tigers that threaten white society.

Hexbears are often skeptical of Adrian Zenz who is usually the source of claims about China. Most that I've seen acknowledge that there are camps (China openly says it is running programs to deradicalize separatists and fundamentalists in the region), but disagree that they are as bad as western media depicts them, and would probably argue that western nations are concern trolling about the issue regardless because it is easy to question whether American foreign policy is motivated by concern for Muslims. Genuinely curious, who is an alt-right guy who doesn't think there are camps in Xinjiang? I've never encountered a pro-Chinese reactionary.

As to Korea I thought MAGA types just memed about Kim Jong Un because Trump sort of got along with him. Hexbears think that the Korean War was bad and that Korea is acting predictably given that a nuclear power is constantly threatening them with annihilation. There are a variety of positions in Hexbear on the DPRK though, and I can't really account for all of them, but I think they arise out of a genuine anti-imperial and anti-war sentiment, and a healthy doze of skepticism of western narratives of a state enemy. I don't think you could say that for the alt right.

[-] Doubledee@hexbear.net 88 points 10 months ago

It's alarming how I can tell when I've left Hexbear by the ableism and slurs.

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