Oh! In that case: absolutely nothing. Credit cards are terrifyingly insecure. Whether or not the info is on two sides or one. Any webshop you use your credit card at can just arbitrarily charge it from then on if they feel like it.
There's no chance this doesn't turn out to be, among other things, an autism detector.
As far as I understand it the pin&chip system involves a challenge/response between the bank and the card. You can't just "clone" the chip, because the secret data it contains is essentially write-only.
Heat cooking oil in the pan until it starts smoking. Hey presto it's seasoned. Tomato will not strip it, nor will soap. Intense scrubbing will.
Cast iron is so easy to care for. Just don't stick it in the dishwasher or let it stay wet after washing.
I can second this. Great movie to go into blind.
Try it with sesame seasoning too! Tastes so good
I’ve never exactly been much of a people pleaser.
Perhaps that's why people like you.
If you get an urn with a non-screw-lid they'll also put the ashes in a bag in the urn. Sensible precaution honestly.
I think outside the US it's usually referred to a "shuttle run test". If you've got any memories of running up and down the gym trying to race the beeps on a CD, it's that.
For sure not true for a lot of games. Surely all the videos before the main menu isn't it loading the main menu? How much processing power could a menu possibly take.
Nano has a cheat sheet at the bottom of the screen at all times
Put nails in at an angle, and alternate the angle so a row of nails looks like a row of Vs. Whenever reasonable I'd still go for screws though.